Temporal adverbs of contrast in the Basic Variety of Arabic
This paper applies the model of the Basic Variety developed by Klein & Perdue
(1997) and elaborated by Benazzo (2003) to two basic forms of
communication in Arabic, Pidgin Madame and Gulf Pidgin Arabic. Benazzo’s analysis of the development of temporal adverbs of
contrast (resultative already; continuative still) in the Basic
Variety of German, French and English leads to certain predictions about the sequentiality of their acquisition. In the Basic
Variety of Arabic the acquisition of these adverbs develops in a different manner. Although their source language does not
contain a resultative adverb, both varieties feature such an adverb (kalas). This contradicts
Benazzo’s findings, as does the relatively frequent use of a continuative particle (bād) at a
very early stage.
Article outline
- 1.Basic communication
- 2.Expressing temporality in the basic variety
- 3.Temporal adverbs in Basic Varieties of Arabic
- 4.Conclusion
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