Who do you hang out with?
How Chinese students’ social networks relate to their perceived oral proficiency gains during study abroad experiences
Social interactions that take place during study abroad in linguistically rich settings are important for oral proficiency
development; however, few studies have explicitly examined the underlying network structure of students’ social experiences in study abroad
contexts and its role in oral proficiency development. This mixed-methods research examined the relationship between self-reported social
network structures and self-perceived English oral proficiency gains among 88 Chinese international students at a UK university. While the
majority of participants’ networks consisted of Chinese-speaking peers, most of them managed to develop strong and frequent relations with
English-speaking peers. Students reported gains in oral proficiency, especially in areas related to language use that require higher levels
of proficiency. Diverse networks with significant and high-frequency English-speaking relationships were more likely to be associated with
L2 oral proficiency gains, while dense networks with only frequent and strong in-group relationships could potentially limit L2
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Background
- 2.1Social network analysis
- 2.2Social network analysis and language learning
- 2.3Assessing language development in study abroad settings
- 3.The current study
- 4.Method
- 4.1Participants
- 4.2Study design
- 4.2.1Quantitative measures
- 4.2.2Quantitative data analyses
- 4.2.3Follow-up interviews
- 5.Results
- 5.1Social network structures
- 5.2Oral proficiency gains
- 5.3The relationship between network structure and oral proficiency gains
- 5.4Follow-up interviews
- 6.Discussion
- 7.Implications and limitations
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