List of figures
Figure 1.The dynamics central to the Dynamic Model (Buschfeld et al. 2014: 6)
Figure 2.Cline of varieties in Schneider’s (2003, 2007) Dynamic Model
Figure 3.Typology of features in New Englishes
Figure 4.The circular continuum of the narrow and broad approach to features
Figure 5.The notion of verb-complementational profile (adapted from Mukherjee & Hoffmann 2006: 149)
Figure 6.A partial taxonomic network of constructions (based on Trousdale 2008: 44)
Figure 7.Fusion of the Ditransitive construction with the verb send
Figure 8.Fusion of the Caused-Motion construction with the verb sneeze
Figure 9.Extract of the CPA ontology
Figure 10.The distribution of make across ASCs (%) in ICE-GB, with 95% confidence intervals
Figure 11.The distribution of concrete and non-concrete uses of the Creation construction in ICE-GB with 95% confidence intervals
Figure 12.Distribution of the realization of the source in the Creation construction in ICE-GB with 95% confidence intervals
Figure 13.Distribution of the formal realization of the RP in the Resultative construction in ICE-GB with 95% confidence intervals
Figure 14.The formal realization of the effect-slot in the Causative construction with make in ICE-GB with 95% confidence intervals
Figure 15.Distribution of the prepositions heading the goal PP of the Caused-Motion construction in ICE-GB with 95% confidence intervals
Figure 16.Distribution of the realization patterns of the Motion construction in ICE-GB with 95% confidence intervals
Figure 17.Distribution of the realization patterns of the Verb-Particle construction in ICE-GB with 95% confidence intervals
Figure 18.LBCs by the numbers infographic
Figure 19.
Make-LBCs: number of LBC types per number of tokens in ICE-GB
Figure 20.Extended association plot of semantic types in the subject slots of the AP Resultative and Causative LBCs in ICE-GB
Figure 21.Extended association plot of semantic types in the object slots of the AP Resultative and Causative LBCs in ICE-GB
Figure 22.Illustration of LBC with multiple inheritance from two ASCs
Figure 23.Illustration of fusion between LBC and ASC
Figure 24.Illustration of LBC with multiple inheritance from two ASCs
Figure 25.Illustration of LBC with multiple inheritance from two LBCs
Figure 26.Illustration of LBCs with elided argument in the constructicon
Figure 27.Illustration of an LBC with non-canonical pattern in the constructicon
Figure 28.Instance links between LBCs of the Creation ASC
Figure 29.Instance links between LBCs of the Causative ASC
Figure 30.Instance (I) and Metaphor (M) links between LBCs of the Creation ASC
Figure 31.Network of Instance (I), Metaphor (M), and Subpart (S) links between ASCs (based on Goldberg 1995: 109)
Figure 32.An overview of the make-constructicon
Figure 33.Relative frequency of make per 100 lexical verb tokens in ICE-GB, ICE-HK, ICE-IND and ICE-SIN
Figure 34.Relative frequency of make per mode in ICE-GB, ICE-HK, ICE-IND and ICE-SIN
Figure 35.The distribution of make across ASCs (%) with 95% confidence intervals in ICE-GB, ICE-HK, ICE-IND and ICE-SIN
Figure 36.Proportion of use of the allostructions of the make-Causative construction with 95% confidence intervals in ICE-GB, ICE-HK, ICE-IND and ICE-SIN
Figure 37.Effects plot of interaction between detERMINER and NOUN NUMBER for the ICE-IND and ICE-GB comparison
Figure 38.Effects plot of interaction between detERMINER and NOUN NUMBER for the ICE-HK and ICE-GB comparison
Figure 39.Effects plot of detERMINER for the ICE-SIN and ICE-GB comparison
Figure 40.Effects plot of PREMODIFICATION for the ICE-HK and ICE-GB comparison
Figure 41.Effects plot of PP COMPLEMENT for the ICE-SIN and ICE-GB comparison
Figure 42.Predicted cline of linguistic behavior following norm-orientation
Figure 43.HCA of the collostructional profile of the LVC across ICE-GB, ICE-HK, ICE-IND, and ICE-SIN
Figure 44.HCA of the semantic collostructional profile of the LVC across ICE-GB, ICE-HK, ICE-IND, and ICE-SIN
Figure 45.Predicted cline of linguistic behavior based on the cognitive representation of language
Figure 46.Predicted cline of linguistic behavior based on cognitive representation of language