Time adverbials in English and Norwegian news discourse
This chapter examines time adverbials in English and Norwegian as evidenced in two corpora of news articles. The adverbials are
identified through a manual, bottom-up procedure, and their syntactic realizations, semantic types and positions are analysed.
The comparison includes the lexical realizations of time adverbials in both languages, partly through the lens of lexical
priming. Similarities between the languages include the distribution of syntactic and semantic types of time adverbials.
Cross-linguistic differences in adverbial placement are evident in clause-medial position, where English is more restrictive
than Norwegian. The lexical comparison shows that the languages may differ in how similar meanings are realized. Furthermore,
the lexical priming of some frequent lexical items reveals lexeme-specific and possibly register-specific patterns.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Some previous work on time adverbials
- 3.Material and method
- 4.Classificatory framework for time adverbials
- 4.1Syntactic realization of time adjuncts
- 4.2Semantic types of time adjuncts
- 4.3Syntactic positions of time adjuncts
- 5.Analysis
- 5.1General corpus frequencies
- 5.2Syntactic and semantic categories of time adjuncts
- 5.3The positions of time adjuncts
- 5.4The lexical realizations of time adjuncts
- 5.5Lexical priming
- 6.Summary of findings and concluding remarks
Corpora used