Part of
How to Use Corpora in Language Teaching
Edited by John McH. Sinclair
[Studies in Corpus Linguistics 12] 2004
► pp. 271299
Cited by (24)

Cited by 24 other publications

Huang, Qian, Norhanim Abdul Samat & Nur’ain Balqis Haladin
2024. The role of exposure condition, awareness and item type in developing implicit and explicit knowledge of collocational rules. Cognitive Processing 25:3  pp. 403 ff. DOI logo
Schlüter, Julia
2024. Do corpus data on World Englishes inspire tolerance of variation in ELT professionals?. In Crossing Boundaries through Corpora [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 119],  pp. 217 ff. DOI logo
Jeaco, Stephen
2023. How can we communicate (visually) what we (usually) mean by collocation and keyness?. Journal of Second Language Studies 6:1  pp. 29 ff. DOI logo
Yeh, Aiden & Pham Thi Minh Trang
2022. Avicii’s S.O.S.: A psychobiographical approach and corpus-based discourse analysis on suicidal ideation. Psychology of Language and Communication 26:1  pp. 207 ff. DOI logo
Chrissou, Marios
2020. The Importance of Task-Based Learning and Focus on Form in Teaching Phraseology. Kalbotyra 73  pp. 8 ff. DOI logo
Lai, Shu-Li & Jason S. Chang
2020. Toward a pattern-based referencing tool: Learner interactions and perceptions. ReCALL 32:3  pp. 272 ff. DOI logo
Omidian, Taha & Anna Siyanova‐Chanturia
2020. Semantic Prosody Revisited: Implications for Language Learning. TESOL Quarterly 54:2  pp. 512 ff. DOI logo
DiMuccio-Failla, P. V. & Laura Giacomini
2017. Designing a Learner’s Dictionary with Phraseological Disambiguators. In Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10596],  pp. 290 ff. DOI logo
Wang, Xiaowen & Tianyong Hao
2017. An Empirical Study of Corpora Application in Data-Driven English Lexical Learning. In Emerging Technologies for Education [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10108],  pp. 370 ff. DOI logo
Ballance, Oliver James
2016. Analysing concordancing: a simple or multifaceted construct?. Computer Assisted Language Learning 29:7  pp. 1205 ff. DOI logo
Ballance, Oliver James
2017. Pedagogical models of concordance use: correlations between concordance user preferences. Computer Assisted Language Learning 30:3-4  pp. 259 ff. DOI logo
Furniss, Edie
2016. Teaching Pragmatics with Corpus Data: The Development of a Corpus-Referred Website for the Instruction of Routine Formulas in Russian. In Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics 2016 [Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics, ],  pp. 129 ff. DOI logo
Benavides, Carlos
2015. Using a Corpus in a 300‐Level Spanish Grammar Course. Foreign Language Annals 48:2  pp. 218 ff. DOI logo
Flowerdew, Lynne
2015. Corpus-based research and pedagogy in EAP: From lexis to genre. Language Teaching 48:1  pp. 99 ff. DOI logo
Thomas, James
2015. Stealing a march on collocation. In Multiple Affordances of Language Corpora for Data-driven Learning [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 69],  pp. 85 ff. DOI logo
Zengin, Buğra & Işıl Günseli Kaçar
2015. Google Search Applications in Foreign Language Classes at Tertiary Level. In Intelligent Design of Interactive Multimedia Listening Software [Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design, ],  pp. 313 ff. DOI logo
Taljard, Elsabé
2012. Corpus-based language teaching: An African language perspective. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 30:3  pp. 377 ff. DOI logo
Tyne, Henry
2012. La variation dans l'enseignement-apprentissage d'une langue 2. Le français aujourd'hui n°176:1  pp. 103 ff. DOI logo
Pérez-Paredes, Pascual, María Sánchez-Tornel, Jose María Alcaraz Calero & Pilar Aguado Jiménez
2011. Tracking learners' actual uses of corpora: guided vs non-guided corpus consultation. Computer Assisted Language Learning 24:3  pp. 233 ff. DOI logo
Römer, Ute
2011. Corpus Research Applications in Second Language Teaching. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 31  pp. 205 ff. DOI logo
Landure, Corinne & Alex Boulton
2010. Corpus et autocorrection pour l’apprentissage des langues. ASp 57  pp. 11 ff. DOI logo
Boulton, Alex
2009. Testing the limits of data-driven learning: language proficiency and training. ReCALL 21:1  pp. 37 ff. DOI logo
Stubbs, Michael
2009. Memorial Article: John Sinclair (1933–2007). Applied Linguistics 30:1  pp. 115 ff. DOI logo
Boulton, Alex & Stephan Wilhelm
2006. Habeant Corpus—they should have the body. Tools learners have the right to use. ASp 49-50  pp. 155 ff. DOI logo

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