Patterns and Meanings

Using corpora for English language research and teaching

| Universita 'degli Studi di Siena
ISBN 9789027222701 (Eur) | EUR 95.00
ISBN 9781556193439 (USA) | USD 143.00
ISBN 9789027222718 (Eur) | EUR 33.00
ISBN 9781556193965 (USA) | USD 49.95
ISBN 9789027298911 | EUR 95.00/33.00*
| USD 143.00/49.95*
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Patterns and Meanings consists of case studies which make use of corpora and concordance technology. Each case study elaborates a problem area, makes reference to both the descriptive and applied literature thus far, and then suggests ways of exploiting corpus data to shed light on the problem. Language phenomena investigated include word sense, phraseology and syntax, metaphor and creative use, text reference, idiom, and translation. Emphasis is given to information that usually cannot be found in dictionaries, grammars, language textbooks or other resources, but which the study of corpus data makes available. This work is particularly important not only for its language description insights, but also for pedagogical application. Further useful suggestions are included on setting up a medium-sized corpus on a personal computer.
[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 2] 1998.  x, 158 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Table of Contents
“An extremely useful book to use with students taking a corpus linguistics option in an MA program, for instance — it would provide a convenient introduction to their own project work.”
“This book provides a valuable approach to the growing body of literature on the study of linguistic analysis in an era of computer-driven technology. It should be of interest to scholars who focus on corpus linguistics.”
“Since Patterns and Meanings combines an excellent overview of corpus linguistics illustrated by a series of insightful and original analyses, it is likely to become a popular textbook in corpus linguistics courses.”
“Partington writes a very pleasant, sometimes almost colloquial prose, and puts forward his ideas and comments in a balanced, understated way which adds to making the book highly attractive.”
“Partington writes in an elegant, clear, and informal style, putting forth his ideas and comments in a balanced, understated way wich makes the book very pleasant reading.”
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This list is based on CrossRef data as of 23 september 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.



Corpus linguistics

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