Register Variation in Indian English

 | Western Carolina University
ISBN 9789027223111 | EUR 99.00 | USD 149.00
ISBN 9789027289032 | EUR 99.00 | USD 149.00
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Register Variation in Indian English constitutes the first large-scale empirical investigation of an international variety of English. Using a combination of the corpus compiled for this project and relevant sections of ICE-India as its database, this work tests existing descriptions and characterizations of English in India, and provides the first empirical account of register variation in Indian English (or indeed, any international variety of English). Included in this survey are linguistic features that have been examined before and others that have not. From an empirical standpoint, it comments on the process of Indianization of the English used in India. The book will be of interest to readers beyond specialists of Indian English as it is one of very few studies to undertake a large-scale corpus analysis for the purpose of dialect research. The book provides a model on which future studies of international Englishes can be based.
[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 37] 2009.  xviii, 284 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 13 October 2009
Table of Contents
“This corpus-based study of aspects of Indian English fills a long-felt gap. The research is very systematic and provides several interesting insights into what constitutes Indian English. [...] this is a significant work that promises to go a long way in aiding the study and description of Indian English.”
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[no author supplied]

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