This study analyses whether a group of learners’ productive and receptive knowledge of some of the most common phrasal verbs (PVs) is related to the frequency of those PVs. Secondly, we look at factors which may have affected the learners’ PV knowledge. The learners completed two tests (productive, receptive) and were also required to complete a biodata questionnaire containing questions about age, gender and nationality, and items relating to the language instruction they received and the incidental exposure they had to English. The analysis of the data shows that there is a relationship between learner knowledge and PV frequency, and that extensive reading and watching English language films and TV programmes appear to have a positive effect on the acquisition of PVs.
Arvidsson, Klara, Fanny Forsberg Lundell, Marta Zakrzewska & Andreas Jemstedt
2024. What target language use characterizes high-performing L2 learners in a migration context?. International Journal of Bilingualism
Meyer, Jennifer, Johanna Fleckenstein, Maleika Krüger, Stefan Daniel Keller & Nicolas Hübner
2024. Read at home to do well at school: informal reading predicts achievement and motivation in English as a foreign language. Frontiers in Psychology 14
2024. Which factors predict teachers’ evaluation of the difficulty and usefulness of phrasal verbs in L2 contexts?. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching
Strong, Brian & Paul Leeming
2024. Evaluating the Application of a Gap‐Fill Exercise on the Learning of Phrasal Verbs: Do Errors Help or Hinder Learning?. TESOL Quarterly 58:2 ► pp. 726 ff.
Teng, Mark Feng
2024. Young beginning learners’ vocabulary learning via input and output tasks: The role of working memory. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching
2023. The Impact of Frequency of Occurrence of Verb-Preposition Collocations on Their Acquisition by Moroccan EFL Learners. In Language in Educational and Cultural Perspectives [Second Language Learning and Teaching, ], ► pp. 97 ff.
Strong, Brian
2023. The impact of guessing and retrieval strategies for learning phrasal verbs. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching
2023. “You just picked it up”. Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education 8:1 ► pp. 142 ff.
El-Dakhs, Dina Abdel Salam, Suhad Sonbul & Rawan Alwazzan
2022. Learning phrasal verbs in the EFL classroom: the effect of prior vocabulary knowledge and opacity. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 60:4 ► pp. 1253 ff.
El-Dakhs, Dina Abdel Salam, Suhad Sonbul & Rawan Alwazzan
2022. Learning phrasal verbs in the EFL classroom: the effect of prior vocabulary knowledge and opacity. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 60:4 ► pp. 1253 ff.
2021. The effects of working memory and declarative memory on instructed second language vocabulary learning: Insights from intelligent CALL. Language Teaching Research 25:4 ► pp. 510 ff.
2019. The Impact of Instruction and Out‐of‐School Exposure to Foreign Language Input on Learners’ Vocabulary Knowledge in Two Languages. Language Learning 69:3 ► pp. 747 ff.
Puimège, Eva & Elke Peters
2019. Learners’ English Vocabulary Knowledge Prior to Formal Instruction: The Role of Learner‐Related and Word‐Related Variables. Language Learning 69:4 ► pp. 943 ff.
2018. The value of song lyrics for teaching and learning English phrasal verbs: a corpus investigation of four music genres. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 12:4 ► pp. 344 ff.
Demiray Akbulut, Fatma
2018. Avoidance of Using Multi-Word Verbs: The Case of Turkish Learners of English. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi :46 ► pp. 74 ff.
Grafmiller, Jason & Benedikt Szmrecsanyi
2018. Mapping out particle placement in Englishes around the world: A study in comparative sociolinguistic analysis. Language Variation and Change 30:3 ► pp. 385 ff.
Chinkina, Maria, Simón Ruiz & Detmar Meurers
2017. Automatically generating questions to support the acquisition of particle verbs: evaluating via crowdsourcing. In CALL in a climate of change: adapting to turbulent global conditions – short papers from EUROCALL 2017, ► pp. 73 ff.
Macis, Marijana & Norbert Schmitt
2017. Not just ‘small potatoes’: Knowledge of the idiomatic meanings of collocations. Language Teaching Research 21:3 ► pp. 321 ff.
Guz, Ewa
2016. Refining the methodology for investigating the relationship between fluency and the use of formulaic language in learner speech. Research in Language 14:2 ► pp. 95 ff.
Peters, Elke
2016. The learning burden of collocations: The role of interlexical and intralexical factors. Language Teaching Research 20:1 ► pp. 113 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 27 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.