Chapter 14
A cross-linguistic overview on Eurolects
The volume addresses the existence of an EU legislative variety across countries and languages: the so-called Eurolect (Chapter 1). Each chapter tackles this research hypothesis by focusing on one of the 11 cases covered by the first phase of the Eurolect Observatory Project: Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latvian, Maltese, Polish, and Spanish. The common design and frame of analysis of the research study allow us to pool final results that cover shared parameters and interpretative categories. The mixed-method approach (qualitative and quantitative) applied to the same corpus (Eurolect Observatory Multilingual Corpus) by all scholars contributes substantively to the description of significant Eurolectal features across EU languages. By clustering the most relevant variational patterns, one obtains a rather comprehensive picture of Eurolects. This chapter is intended to sum up the conclusions of the whole research project in order to highlight cross-linguistically converging and diverging trends.
Article outline
- 1.Corpus-oriented linguistic variation in EU multilingual law
- 2.Differences in language policy for EU law implementation
- 3.Similarities across Eurolects
- 4.EU-rooted phenomena in Eurolects
- 5.Contact-induced features in Eurolects
- 6.Intra-linguistic variability
- 7.Mapping out Eurolects
- 8.Better lawmaking for a Europe of citizens
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