“Brightness” in color linguistics
New light from Danish visual semantics
This chapter scrutinizes the discourse of “brightness” in
color linguistics. Drawing on insights from visual semantics and
linguistic anthropology, and challenging the universal applicability
of “brightness”, the study provides new evidence from Danish. The
chapter provides a new analysis of the lexicogrammar and
linguaculture of lys ‘light, brightness’ in
relation to color. The Natural Semantic Metalanguage approach is
used to provide detailed semantic explications for three grammatical
devices based on lys (lys,
lys-, and lyse-), along with
an analysis of three Danish lys + color compounds
lyserød, lysegrøn, and
lyseblå. Based on the evidence from Danish and
other studies in visual semantics, the chapter calls for a renewed
focus on the non-chromatic aspects of visual meanings, and for a
metalinguistic reform in color linguistics.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Visual semantics
- 3.Methods
- 4.Linguaculture and lexicogrammar
- 4.1The meaning of lyserød
- 4.2The meaning of lysegrøn
- 4.3The meaning of lyseblå
- 4.4Summary
- 5.Back to “brightness”
- 6.Concluding remarks
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