Part of
Cross-Linguistic Aspects of Processability Theory
Edited by Manfred Pienemann
[Studies in Bilingualism 30] 2005
► pp. 6183
Cited by (17)

Cited by 17 other publications

Coşkun Kunduz, Aylin & Silvina Montrul
2024. Relative clauses in child heritage speakers of Turkish in the United States. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 14:2  pp. 218 ff. DOI logo
He, Jiani & Yuichi Suzuki
2024. Distribution of grammar learning through writing tasks: A potential role of proficiency. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 34:1  pp. 367 ff. DOI logo
Rapún Mombiela, Virginia
2023. Tanja Angelovska and Angela Hahn (eds.), L3 Syntactic Transfer: Models, New Developments and Implications, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2017. Półrocznik Językoznawczy Tertium 8:1  pp. 206 ff. DOI logo
Shalizar, Reza & Amir Rezaei
2023. Examining the differential effects of focused vs. unfocused ZPD and explicit feedback on second language writing. The Language Learning Journal 51:3  pp. 359 ff. DOI logo
Salleh, Rabiah Tul Adawiyah Mohamed, Bruno Di Biase & Satomi Kawaguchi
2021. Lexical and morphological development: A case study of Malay English bilingual first language acquisition. Psychology of Language and Communication 25:1  pp. 29 ff. DOI logo
Lenzing, Anke, Howard Nicholas & Jana Roos
2019. Contextualising issues in Processability Theory. In Widening Contexts for Processability Theory [Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition Research & Teaching, 7],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Montrul, Silvina
Rothman, Jason, Jorge González Alonso & Eloi Puig-Mayenco
2019. Third Language Acquisition and Linguistic Transfer, DOI logo
Gass, Susan
2018. SLA Elicitation Tasks. In The Palgrave Handbook of Applied Linguistics Research Methodology,  pp. 313 ff. DOI logo
Gholami, Javad & Maryam Zeinolabedini
2018. Learnability and Teachability Hypothesis. In The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Spinner, Patti & Sehoon Jung
2018. PRODUCTION AND COMPREHENSION IN PROCESSABILITY THEORY. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 40:2  pp. 295 ff. DOI logo
Wirbatz, Karoline & Pascal Buttkewitz
2017. Transfer or no transfer; that is the question. In L3 syntactic transfer [Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 5],  pp. 103 ff. DOI logo
Baten, Kristof, Aafke Buyl, Katja Lochtman & Mieke Van Herreweghe
2015. Chapter 1. Processability theory. In Theoretical and Methodological Developments in Processability Theory [Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition Research & Teaching, 4],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Doman, Evelyn
Baten, Kristof
2011. Processability Theory and German Case Acquisition. Language Learning 61:2  pp. 455 ff. DOI logo
Spinner, Patti
2011. SECOND LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT AND MORPHOSYNTACTIC DEVELOPMENT. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 33:4  pp. 529 ff. DOI logo
Spinner, Patti
2013. Language Production and Reception: A Processability Theory Study. Language Learning 63:4  pp. 704 ff. DOI logo

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