Part of
Cross-Linguistic Aspects of Processability Theory
Edited by Manfred Pienemann
[Studies in Bilingualism 30] 2005
► pp. 253298
Cited by (21)

Cited by 21 other publications

Kawaguchi, Satomi
2023. Studies of Japanese as a second language and their contribution to Processability Theory. In Processability and Language Acquisition in the Asia-Pacific Region [Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition Research & Teaching, 9],  pp. 27 ff. DOI logo
Liu, Bo, Bruno Di Biase & Satomi Kawaguchi
2023. The development of lexical mapping in Chinese L2. In Processability and Language Acquisition in the Asia-Pacific Region [Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition Research & Teaching, 9],  pp. 63 ff. DOI logo
Garðarsdóttir, María & Sigríður Þorvaldsdóttir
2020. A processability approach to the development of case in L2 Icelandic. Language, Interaction and Acquisition 11:1  pp. 68 ff. DOI logo
Spinner, Patti & Sehoon Jung
2018. PRODUCTION AND COMPREHENSION IN PROCESSABILITY THEORY. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 40:2  pp. 295 ff. DOI logo
Håkansson, Gisela
2017. Typological and developmental considerations on specific language impairment in monolingual and bilingual children: A Processability Theory account. Language Acquisition 24:3  pp. 265 ff. DOI logo
Wirbatz, Karoline & Pascal Buttkewitz
2017. Transfer or no transfer; that is the question. In L3 syntactic transfer [Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 5],  pp. 103 ff. DOI logo
Bayram, Fatih & Clare Wright
2016. Turkish Heritage Language Acquisition and Maintenance in Germany. In Handbook of Comparative Studies on Community Colleges and Global Counterparts [Springer International Handbooks of Education, ],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Bayram, Fatih & Clare Wright
2018. Turkish Heritage Language Acquisition and Maintenance in Germany. In Handbook of Comparative Studies on Community Colleges and Global Counterparts [Springer International Handbooks of Education, ],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Bayram, Fatih & Clare Wright
2018. Turkish Heritage Language Acquisition and Maintenance in Germany. In Handbook of Research and Practice in Heritage Language Education [Springer International Handbooks of Education, ],  pp. 481 ff. DOI logo
Hagenfeld, Katharina
Bonilla, Carrie L
2015. From number agreement to the subjunctive: Evidence for Processability Theory in L2 Spanish. Second Language Research 31:1  pp. 53 ff. DOI logo
Lenzing, Anke
2015. Chapter 6. Constraints on Processing. In Theoretical and Methodological Developments in Processability Theory [Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition Research & Teaching, 4],  pp. 113 ff. DOI logo
Spinner, Patti
2013. Language Production and Reception: A Processability Theory Study. Language Learning 63:4  pp. 704 ff. DOI logo
Pienemann, Manfred
2012. Processability Theory and Teachability. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, DOI logo
Al Shatter, Ghassan
2011. Processability approach to Arabic L2 teaching and syllabus design. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 34:2  pp. 127 ff. DOI logo
Pienemann, Manfred, Jörg-U. Keßler & Yuki Itani-Adams
2011. Comparing levels of processability across languages. International Journal of Bilingualism 15:2  pp. 128 ff. DOI logo
Dyson, Bronwen Patricia
2010. Learner language analytic methods and pedagogical implications. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 33:3  pp. 30.1 ff. DOI logo
Dyson, Bronwen Patricia
2010. Learner language analytic methods and pedagogical implications. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 33:3  pp. 30.1 ff. DOI logo
Håkansson, Gisela & Catrin Norrby
2010. Environmental Influence on Language Acquisition: Comparing Second and Foreign Language Acquisition of Swedish. Language Learning 60:3  pp. 628 ff. DOI logo
Gass, Susan
2009. Second Language Acquisition. In Language Acquisition,  pp. 109 ff. DOI logo

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