Chapter 18
Lexical development of French-Portuguese simultaneous bilinguals
Exploration of vocabulary size, word class distribution and lexical selectivity
Sophie Kern | Laboratory Dynamique Du Langage (CNRS-Lyon2)
This study compares the lexical development of a sample of 29 simultaneous French-Portuguese
bilingual children between the ages of 24 and 36 months living in France with the lexical development of a sample of
288 monolingual French children. The data show that bilingual children do not show a lexical developmental delay
compared to their monolingual French peers. Moreover, the word class distribution of productive vocabulary is the same
between the French monolinguals and bilinguals in French. Finally, we tested the lexical selectivity by calculating
the phonetic complexity of the target words. We found a strong correlation between the phonetic complexity of target
words and vocabulary size in both languages for bilinguals. This strong correlation mirrors that found for monolingual
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 1.1Lexicon size of monolingual and bilingual children
- 1.2Grammatical composition of early lexicon in monolingual and bilingual children
- 1.3Lexical selectivity in monolingual and bilingual children
- 2.This study
- 3.Method
- 3.1Participants
- 3.2Material and procedures
- 3.2.1Vocabulary assessment
- 3.2.2Children’s background and language exposure assessment
- 3.2.3Phonetic complexity measurement
- 4.Results
- 4.1Quantitative development of productive vocabulary
- 4.2Word class distribution of productive vocabulary
- 4.3Lexical selectivity
- 5.Discussion
- 6.Conclusion