While much research has proved the benefits of subtitled
audiovisuals for foreign language learning, few studies address such practices
in out-of-classroom settings or focus on Asia-based video-sharing platforms.
This study bridges this gap by introducing an increasingly popular
viewing-commenting system in Japan and China, known as danmu or
danmaku, which displays viewers’ timeline-synchronized
comments on video content. We analyse the metalinguistic comments which entail
viewers’ knowledge of the language, their comprehension issues and
sociolinguistic attitudes toward its use. Adopting an inductive or data-driven
methodology, we extracted and manually coded 390 comments that are related to
the Spanish language, Spanish–Chinese translation and learning Spanish.
Results show that viewers are mostly interested in linguistic features that
differ from Chinese or English (e.g. the complex grammar) and they use
danmu to access sociolinguistic issues that are central to
daily communication such as the fast speech rate, language varieties, and
frequent use of vulgarisms.
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2024. Teaching effects of using bullet-screen technology during classes on students’ learning: The mediating effect of perceived interactivity. Education and Information Technologies 29:5 ► pp. 5283 ff.
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2024. Multilingual encounters in online video practices: the case of Portuguese university students. International Journal of Multilingualism 21:3 ► pp. 1680 ff.
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Danmu-assisted learning through back translation. Babel. Revue internationale de la traduction / International Journal of Translation / Revista Internacional de Traducción 69:5 ► pp. 598 ff.
Li, Bo, Michael L. Naraine, Liang Zhao & Chenyang Li
2023. A Magic “Bullet”: Exploring Sport Fan Usage of On-Screen, Ephemeral Posts During Live Stream Sessions. Communication & Sport 11:2 ► pp. 334 ff.
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Lyu, Xuanxuan, S. Cheo-Chun & A.M. Belém Nunes
2023. Translating humorous videos on social media: Meaning-making in a shared culture. SHS Web of Conferences 159 ► pp. 01008 ff.
Cassany, Daniel
2022. Conferencia Plenaria del XXXIII Congreso Anual CANELA (2021): Aprender ELE (y otras L2) en contextos informales. Cuadernos CANELA 33:0 ► pp. 5 ff.
2024. Fan Translation and Multilingualism. In The Palgrave Handbook of Multilingualism and Language Varieties on Screen, ► pp. 197 ff.
Wang, Dingkun
2021. Subtitling in Chinese: Reflections on Emergent Subtitling Cultures in Contemporary China. In The Palgrave Handbook of Chinese Language Studies, ► pp. 1 ff.
Wang, Dingkun
2022. Subtitling in Chinese: Reflections on Emergent Subtitling Cultures in Contemporary China. In The Palgrave Handbook of Chinese Language Studies, ► pp. 617 ff.
2021. Making sense of the “raw meat”: A social semiotic interpretation of user translation on the danmu interface. Discourse, Context & Media 44 ► pp. 100550 ff.
2020. 2020 IEEE Learning With MOOCS (LWMOOCS), ► pp. 100 ff.
2020. Making sense of danmu: Coherence in massive anonymous chats on Bilibili.com. Discourse Studies 22:4 ► pp. 483 ff.
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