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Preferred Argument Structure: Grammar as architecture for function
Edited by John W. Du Bois, Lorraine E. Kumpf and William J. Ashby
[Studies in Discourse and Grammar 14] 2003
► pp. 1160
Cited by (45)

Cited by 45 other publications

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2024. The development of Hebrew zero and pronominal subject realization in the context of first and second person. Journal of Child Language 51:4  pp. 925 ff. DOI logo
Belligh, Thomas, Ludovic De Cuypere & Claudia Crocco
2023. Alternating Italian thetic and sentence-focus constructions. Revue Romane. Langue et littérature. International Journal of Romance Languages and Literatures 58:2  pp. 246 ff. DOI logo
Skarabela, Barbora, Nora Cuthbert, Alice Rees, Hannah Rohde & Hugh Rabagliati
2023. Learning dimensions of meaning: Children’s acquisition of but. Cognitive Psychology 147  pp. 101597 ff. DOI logo
Dufter, Andreas
2022. Syntax des Französischen. In Linguistik im Sprachvergleich,  pp. 189 ff. DOI logo
Schnell, Stefan & Nils Norman Schiborr
2022. Crosslinguistic Corpus Studies in Linguistic Typology. Annual Review of Linguistics 8:1  pp. 171 ff. DOI logo
Salazar Orvig, Anne & Geneviève de Weck
Salazar-Orvig, Anne & Geneviève de Weck
2021. Chapter 11. The acquisition of referring expressions. In The Acquisition of Referring Expressions [Trends in Language Acquisition Research, 28], DOI logo
Schnell, Stefan, Nils Norman Schiborr & Geoffrey Haig
2021. Efficiency in discourse processing: Does morphosyntax adapt to accommodate new referents?. Linguistics Vanguard 7:s3 DOI logo
Shin, Gyu-Ho & Hyunwoo Kim
2021. Roles of verb and construction cues. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 19:2  pp. 332 ff. DOI logo
Vasishth, Shravan & Felix Engelmann
2021. Sentence Comprehension as a Cognitive Process, DOI logo
Zeldowicz, Gennadij
2021. Perspektywa dyskursywna w poezji lirycznej. Zarys gramatyki gatunku, DOI logo
Graf, Eileen, Anna Theakston, Daniel Freudenthal & Elena Lieven
2020. The Subject–Object Asymmetry Revisited: Experimental and Computational Approaches to the Role of Information Structure in Children’s Argument Omissions. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 12:2  pp. 189 ff. DOI logo
Halevy, Rivka
2020. Transitivity and valence. In Usage-Based Studies in Modern Hebrew [Studies in Language Companion Series, 210],  pp. 465 ff. DOI logo
Pericchi, Natalia, Kristin Davidse, Bert Cornillie & Freek Van De Velde
2020. A diachronic study of indirect object doubling in Argentinian Spanish. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 52:1  pp. 45 ff. DOI logo
Puerma Bonilla, Javier
2020. Caracterización formal y semántica del sujeto y del objeto directo léxicos en construcciones transitivas en la historia del español. Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 136:1  pp. 47 ff. DOI logo
Stegenwallner-Schütz, Maja & Flavia Adani
2020. Production of referring expressions by children with ASD: Effects of referent accessibility and working memory capacity. Language Acquisition 27:3  pp. 276 ff. DOI logo
Arkadiev, Peter M. & Yakov G. Testelets
2019. Differential nominal marking in Circassian. Studies in Language 43:3  pp. 715 ff. DOI logo
Engelmann, Felix, Lena A. Jӓger & Shravan Vasishth
2019. The Effect of Prominence and Cue Association on Retrieval Processes: A Computational Account. Cognitive Science 43:12 DOI logo
Thompson, Sandra A.
2019. Understanding ‘clause’ as an emergent ‘unit’ in everyday conversation. Studies in Language 43:2  pp. 254 ff. DOI logo
Thompson, Sandra A.
2021. Understanding ‘clause’ as an emergent ‘unit’ in everyday conversation. In Usage-based and Typological Approaches to Linguistic Units [Benjamins Current Topics, 114],  pp. 11 ff. DOI logo
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2018. Word order preferences of Tagalog-speaking adults and children. First Language 38:6  pp. 617 ff. DOI logo
Simonenko, Alexandra, Benoît Crabbé & Sophie Prévost
2018. Text form and grammatical changes in Medieval French. Diachronica 35:3  pp. 393 ff. DOI logo
Simonenko, Alexandra, Benoît Crabbé & Sophie Prévost
2020. Text form and grammatical changes in Medieval French. In Diachronic Treebanks for Historical Linguistics [Benjamins Current Topics, 113],  pp. 95 ff. DOI logo
Zúñiga, Fernando
2018. The diachrony of morphosyntactic alignment. Language and Linguistics Compass 12:9 DOI logo
Claes, Jeroen
2017. Cognitive and geographic constraints on morphosyntactic variation. Belgian Journal of Linguistics 31  pp. 30 ff. DOI logo
Jessica Coon, Diane Massam & Lisa Demena Travis
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Pericchi, Natalia, Bert Cornillie, Freek Van de Velde & Kristin Davidse
2017. La duplicación de clíticos en español como estrategia de marcación inversa. Revue Romane. Langue et littérature. International Journal of Romance Languages and Literatures 52:2  pp. 190 ff. DOI logo
Walker, Traci & Trevor Benjamin
2017. Phonetic and Sequential Differences of Other-Repetitions in Repair Initiation. Research on Language and Social Interaction 50:4  pp. 330 ff. DOI logo
Clifton, Charles & Lyn Frazier
2016. Focus in Corrective Exchanges: Effects of Pitch Accent and Syntactic Form. Language and Speech 59:4  pp. 544 ff. DOI logo
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2016. L’influence de la langue écrite au cours du développement langagier tardif. SHS Web of Conferences 27  pp. 01001 ff. DOI logo
Mazur-Palandre, Audrey, Harriet Jisa, F. Neveu, G. Bergounioux, M.-H. Côté, J.-M. Fournier, L. Hriba & S. Prévost
2016. Maintenir l’information sous forme lexicale : une étude développementale. SHS Web of Conferences 27  pp. 10007 ff. DOI logo
Ariel, Mira, Elitzur Dattner, John W. Du Bois & Tal Linzen
2015. Pronominal datives. Studies in Language 39:2  pp. 257 ff. DOI logo
2015. Spoken language usage events. Language and Cognition 7:4  pp. 499 ff. DOI logo
Jäger, Lena A., Felix Engelmann & Shravan Vasishth
2015. Retrieval interference in reflexive processing: experimental evidence from Mandarin, and computational modeling. Frontiers in Psychology 6 DOI logo
Sosa, Sachiko
Green, Clarence
Green, Clarence
2017. Clause Combination in English. In Patterns and Development in the English Clause System,  pp. 17 ff. DOI logo
Green, Clarence
2017. Discourse Coherence and Clause Combination. In Patterns and Development in the English Clause System,  pp. 149 ff. DOI logo
2011. Verb argument structure acquisition in young children: defining a role for discourse. Journal of Child Language 38:3  pp. 662 ff. DOI logo
2010. Rethinking child difficulty: The effect of NP type on children's processing of relative clauses in Hebrew. Journal of Child Language 37:1  pp. 27 ff. DOI logo
Fidler, Masako U., Anthony P. Grant, Anthony P. Grant, Kleanthes K. Grohmann, Alan S. Kaye, Alan S. Kaye, Alan S. Kaye, Marion Matschi, Virginia Peng, Kanavillil Rajagopalan, Kanavillil Rajagopalan, Kanavillil Rajagopalan, Kanavillil Rajagopalan, Edward J. Vajda, Edward J. Vajda, Edward J. Vajda, Edward J. Vajda, Douglas C. Walker, Søren Wichmann & Xinzhang Yang
2006. Reviews. <i>WORD</i> 57:1  pp. 103 ff. DOI logo
O'Shannessy, Carmel
2005. Light Warlpiri: A New Language. Australian Journal of Linguistics 25:1  pp. 31 ff. DOI logo
Tummers, Jose, Kris Heylen & Dirk Geeraerts
2005. Usage-based approaches in Cognitive Linguistics: A technical state of the art. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 1:2 DOI logo

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