Studies in the History of the Language Sciences
Studies in the History of the Language Sciences (SiHoLS) is a series of peer-reviewed book-length scholarly works in the history of linguistic thought. Although its emphasis is on the Western tradition from antiquity to the modern day, it also includes, and welcomes, studies devoted to non-Western traditions. It comprises monographs, selective, thematically unified volumes, and research bibliographies.
The series is a companion to the journal Historiographia Linguistica .
133 |
Edited by Savina Raynaud, Maria Paola Tenchini and Enrica Galazzi
2024. vi, 284 pp.
132 |
Louis Hjelmslev
2024. viii, 234 pp.
131 |
Otto Zwartjes
2024. xii, 381 pp.
130 |
Edited by Otto Zwartjes and Paolo De Troia
2021. xii, 296 pp.
129 |
Marcin Kilarski
2021. xiv, 443 pp.
128 |
E.F.K. Koerner †
2020. x, 214 pp.
127 |
Edited by Émilie Aussant and Jean-Michel Fortis
2020. xviii, 245 pp.
126 |
Edited by Carlos Assunção, Gonçalo Fernandes and Rolf Kemmler
2016. xii, 277 pp.
125 |
Grammatica, Gramadach and Gramadeg: Vernacular grammar and grammarians in medieval Ireland and Wales
Edited by Deborah Hayden and Paul Russell
2016. xvi, 226 pp.
124 |
Miguel Ángel Esparza Torres y Hans-Josef Niederehe
2015. v, 957 pp.
123 |
Edited by Vadim Kasevich, Yuri A. Kleiner and Patrick Sériot
2014. xviii, 221 pp.
122 |
Edited by Otto Zwartjes, Klaus Zimmermann and Martina Schrader-Kniffki
2014. xii, 350 pp.
121 |
Marcin Kilarski
2013. xiv, 405 pp.
120 |
George J. Metcalf
2013. viii, 181 pp.
119 |
William Jervis Jones
2013. xiv, 663 pp.
118 |
Miguel Ángel Esparza Torres y Hans-Josef Niederehe
2012. v, 696 pp.
117 |
Otto Zwartjes
2011. xiv, 359 pp.
116 |
Marcus Tomalin
2011. xi, 203 pp.
115 |
Edited by Gerda Haßler
2011. xi, 468 pp.
114 |
Edited by Otto Zwartjes, Ramón Arzápalo Marín and Thomas C. Smith-Stark
2009. vi, 340 pp.
113 |
E.F.K. Koerner †
2008. xvi, 286 pp.
112 |
Edited by Douglas A. Kibbee
2007. x, 451 pp.
111 |
Edited by Otto Zwartjes, Gregory James and Emilio Ridruejo
2007. vi, 357 pp.
110 |
Edited by Eduardo Guimarães and Diana Luz Pessoa de Barros
2007. x, 242 pp.
109 |
Edited by Otto Zwartjes and Cristina Altman
2005. vi, 292 pp.
108 |
Hans-Josef Niederehe
2005. vi, 474 pp.
107 |
Anneli Luhtala
2005. x, 171 pp.
106 |
Edited by Otto Zwartjes and Even Hovdhaugen
2004. vi, 288 pp.
105 |
Lia Formigari
2004. x, 252 pp.
104 |
E.F.K. Koerner †
2004. x, 271 pp.
103 |
John E. Joseph
2002. viii, 240 pp.
102 |
Towards a History of Linguistics in Poland: From the early beginnings to the end of the 20th century
Edited by E.F.K. Koerner † and Aleksander Szwedek
2001. xxii, 335 pp.
101 |
L.G. Kelly
2002. x, 236 pp.
100 |
Edited by E.F.K. Koerner † and Hans-Josef Niederehe
2001. xxii, 463 pp.
99 |
Edited by Sylvian Auroux
2003. xii, 397 pp.
98 |
Giorgio Graffi
2001. xiv, 551 pp.
97 |
Edited by John W. Hutchins
2000. xii, 400 pp.
96 |
John E. Joseph
2000. x, 224 pp.
95 |
Edited by David Cram, Andrew R. Linn and Elke Nowak
1999. xx, 390 pp.
94 |
Edited by David Cram, Andrew R. Linn and Elke Nowak
1999. xx, 341 pp.
93 |
W. South Coblin and Joseph A. Levi
2000. liv, 282 pp.
92 |
E.F.K. Koerner †
1999. x, 236 pp.
91 |
Hans-Josef Niederehe
1999. vi, 472 pp.
90 |
Miguel Ángel Esparza Torres and Hans-Josef Niederehe
1999. vi, 374 pp.
89 |
William Jervis Jones
1999. x, 299 pp.
88 |
Edited by E.F.K. Koerner †
1998. x, 267 pp.
87 |
Edited by Dieter Stein and Rosanna Sornicola
1998. viii, 232 pp.
86 |
Regna Darnell
1998. xviii, 333 pp.
85 |
Daniel J. Taylor
1996. x, 205 pp.
84 |
Pieter A. Verburg
1998. xxxiv, 577 pp.
83 |
Jeffrey Wollock
1997. l, 462 pp.
82 |
Wout J. van Bekkum, Jan Houben, Ineke Sluiter and Kees Versteegh
1997. ix, 322 pp.
81 |
Penny Lee
1996. xix, 324 pp.
80 |
Brigitte Nerlich and David D. Clarke
1996. xiv, 497 pp.
79 |
E.F.K. Koerner †
1995. viii, 274 pp.
78 |
Edited by Kurt R. Jankowsky
1995. xx, 380 pp.
77 |
Vivian Salmon
1996. viii, 276 pp.
76 |
Hans-Josef Niederehe
1994. vi, 457 pp.
75 |
Kees Versteegh
1995. xvi, 310 pp.
74 |
Edited by Lia Formigari and Daniele Gambarara
1995. viii, 309 pp.
73 |
Ignaz Goldziher
1994. xx, 153 pp.
72 |
Joanna Radwańska-Williams
1994. xii, 200 pp.
71 |
Edited by Vivien A. Law
1993. viii, 255 pp.
70 |
Lia Formigari
1993. x, 218 pp.
69 |
Stephen O. Murray
1994. xx, 598 pp.
68 |
Edited by Anders Ahlqvist
1992. xxviii, 384 pp.
67 |
Edited by Joseph L. Subbiondo
1992. xvi, 374 pp.
66 |
Edited by Bernd Naumann, Frans Plank and Gottfried Hofbauer
1992. xvi, 445 pp.
65 |
Esa Itkonen
1991. x, 368 pp.
64 |
Edited by Jan Noordegraaf, Kees Versteegh and E.F.K. Koerner †
1992. vi, 400 pp. + ills.
63 |
Bertil Sundby, Anne Kari Bjørge and Kari E. Haugland
1991. x, 486 pp.
62 |
Edited by Gerhard Leitner
1991. x, 392 pp.
61 |
Edited by E.F.K. Koerner †
1991. x, 303 pp.
60 |
Douglas A. Kibbee
1991. viii, 268 pp.
59 |
Brigitte Nerlich
1992. xi, 359 pp.
58 |
Edited by Francis P. Dinneen, S.J. and E.F.K. Koerner †
1990. xii, 238 pp.
57 |
De Witt T. Starnes and Gertrude E. Noyes
1991. cxii, xxii, 299 pp.
56 |
Edited by Kees Versteegh and Michael G. Carter
1990. x, 320 pp.
55 |
Robert A. Hall, Jr.
1990. x, 129 pp.
54 |
Edited by Elmer H. Antonsen, James W. Marchand and Ladislav Zgusta
1990. x, 162 pp.
53 |
Jonathan Owens
1990. xvi, 294 pp.
52 |
Edited by Arne Juul and Hans Frede Nielsen †
1989. xviii, 154 pp.
51:S |
Edited by Hans-Josef Niederehe and E.F.K. Koerner †
1990. xxv, x, 873 pp.
51:2 |
Edited by Hans-Josef Niederehe and E.F.K. Koerner †
1990. x, 397-873 pp.
51:1 |
Edited by Hans-Josef Niederehe and E.F.K. Koerner †
1990. xxv, 396 pp.
50 |
E.F.K. Koerner †
1989. xiv, 455 pp.
49 |
Edited by Tullio De Mauro † and Lia Formigari
1990. vii, 329 pp.
48 |
Lia Formigari
1988. viii, 178 pp.
47 |
Edited by Robert A. Hall, Jr.
1987. x, 237 pp.
46 |
Edited by Daniel J. Taylor
1987. xii, 298 pp.
45 |
Jonathan Owens
1988. xii, 371 pp.
44 |
Mark E. Amsler
1989. xi, 280 pp.
43 |
Edited by Geoffrey L. Bursill-Hall, Sten Ebbesen and E.F.K. Koerner †
1990. x, 372 pp.
42 |
Speculative Grammar, Universal Grammar, Philosophical Analysis: Papers in the Philosophy of Language
Edited by Dino Buzzetti and Maurizio Ferriani
1987. x, 269 pp.
41 |
Edited by William Cowan, Michael Foster and E.F.K. Koerner †
1986. xiv, 627 pp.
40 |
Edited by R.R.K. Hartmann
1986. viii, 265 pp.
39 |
Francis P. Dinneen, S.J.
1990. xl, 271 pp.
38 |
Edited by Hans Aarsleff, L.G. Kelly and Hans-Josef Niederehe
1987. xxvi, 680 pp.
37 |
Seán P. Ó Mathúna
1986. iv, 211 pp. + 16 ill.
36 |
Edited by E.F.K. Koerner †
1984. xxviii, 224 pp.
35 |
Vivian Salmon and Edwina Burness
1987. xx, 523 pp.
34 |
Edited by Antonio Quilis Morales and Hans-Josef Niederehe
1986. viii, 360 pp.
33 |
Edited by Paolo Ramat, Hans-Josef Niederehe and E.F.K. Koerner †
1986. x, 364 pp.
32 |
Martin L. Manchester
1985. xii, 216 pp.
31 |
T. Craig Christy
1983. xiv, 139 pp.
30 |
W. Terrence Gordon
1982. viii, 284 pp.
29 |
Hans Arens
1984. v, 532 pp.
28 |
Edited by Kees Versteegh, E.F.K. Koerner † and Hans-Josef Niederehe
1982. xii, 265 pp.
27 |
Manuel Breva-Claramonte
1982. viii, 294 pp.
26 |
Edited by E.F.K. Koerner †, Hans-Josef Niederehe and Robert H. Robins
1980. vi, 321 pp.
25 |
Dell H. Hymes
1983. xxiii, 406 pp.
24 |
Edited by Michael G. Carter
1981. ix, 485 pp.
23 |
Translated and with commentary by Fred W. Householder
1981. vi, 281 pp.
22 |
Edited by A. Charlene Senape McDermott
1980. ix, 237 pp.
21 |
Edited by Boyd Davis and Raymond K. O’Cain
1980. xiv, 239 pp.
20 |
Edited by E.F.K. Koerner †
1980. xiv, 421 pp.
19 |
E.F.K. Koerner †
1978. xx, 222 pp.
18 |
Tetsuro Hayashi
1978. xii, 168 pp.
17 |
Vivian Salmon
1988. x, 218 pp.
16 |
Giulio Panconcelli-Calzia (1878–1966)
1994. xxxviii, 88 pp.
15 |
Pseudo-Albertus Magnus
1977. xxxvii, 191 pp.
14 |
Sigerus De Cortraco
1977. xli, 108 pp. Small-4to.
13 |
Glendon F. Drake
1977. x, 130 pp.
12 |
Paulinus A.S. Bartholomaeo
1977. xx, 222 pp.
11 |
E.F.K. Koerner †
1978. x, 113 pp.
10 |
James Kilbury
1976. viii, 155 pp.
9 |
Edited by Hans-Josef Niederehe and Harald Haarmann
1976. viii, 508 pp.
8 |
Dargestellt von Edmund Stengel (1845–1935)
1976. x, 240 pp.
7 |
Holger Pedersen (1867–1953)
1983. xxxii, 100 pp.
6 |
Roy Andrew Miller
1976. xix, 142 pp.
5 |
The History of Grammar in the Middle Ages: Collected Papers. With a select bibliography, and indices
Richard William Hunt (1908–1979)
1980. xxxvi, 214 pp.
4 |
Wilhelm Bacher (1850–1913)
1974. xix, 57, 235 pp.
3 |
Wilbur A. Benware
1974. xii, 126 pp. 2nd. printing 1995.
2 |
Daniel J. Taylor
1974. xv, 131 pp.
1 |
E.F.K. Koerner †
1973. vii, 76 pp., small-4to.
The series welcomes book proposals, preferably structured along the lines indicated in our Preliminary Guidelines for Book Proposals .
Additionally, for proposals concerning edited volumes of selected papers deriving from scholarly meetings, or devoted to specific topics, the prospective editors are asked to keep the following in mind. The series editors and editorial board of SIHOLS consider the Introductory Chapter to such a volume as a crucial component and a major contribution made by the editor(s) to the volume. Thus prospective editors of such volumes are requested to submit with any proposal an Introductory Chapter covering the following requirements. The editor(s) may exercise some discretion as to selecting the order of fulfilling these requirements.
- Provide a clear statement of the theme of the volume, to be reflected in the choice of volume title.
- Provide a clear statement of the linguistic theoretical background and basis of the volume as a whole, clearly set in the context of the field in general. Critically discuss any theoretical variations evident in the field and their relevance to the theme of the volume.
- Provide a brief account of each paper selected for inclusion in the volume, justify the inclusion of the papers in the volume, and, crucially, indicate appropriate cross-referencing of the papers, and demonstrate how and what in particular way each paper contributes to the unified theme of the volume.
- Ensure that all contributors to the volume have read all the other papers to be included and have included all relevant cross-referencing, pointing out similarities, differences, complementary and contradictory aspects, etc. Editors and paper authors are asked to point out specific and general areas of theoretical and interpretive differences both within the field and across the papers selected for inclusion in the volume.
Ensuring that the highest level of scholarly, intellectual, and academic integrity is maintained and reflected in the proposed volume is considered one of the primary functions of the proposal editor(s). In addition, the editors should take care that all selected contributions have been carefully edited for language and for style.
On the basis of the book proposal, the series editors will determine whether the proposed book fits the aim and scope of the series and is of broad enough scholarly interest. If so, the author(s) of a monograph/editor(s) of an edited volume will be asked to provide the entire manuscript for the purpose of peer review, on the basis of which the series editors will decide whether or not to accept the manuscript for publication in the series. When we enter this reviewing process, we will assume that the proposed publication is not under simultaneous consideration with another publisher, or that Benjamins has a first option should we accept it for publication.
Please consult the Stylesheet for further details about editing and formatting.
Book proposals can be sent directly to the series editors:
Jean-Michel Fortis (
Otto Zwartjes (
Klaas Willems (
or to the responsible Benjamins acquisition editor, Anke de Looper (