List of figures
1.“Overview of language locations” (Map 1a, pp. xviii-xix, drawn by Roberta Bloom in Marianne Mithun, The Languages of Native North America © Cambridge University Press 1999, reproduced with permission of the Licensor through PLSclear)
2.Classification of Algonquian languages (after Goddard 1978b: 70)
3.Classification of Iroquoian languages (after Lounsbury 1978: 336)
4.“A Map of the Country of the Five Nations Belonging to the Province of New York, and of the Lakes Near Which the Nations of Far Indians Live, With Part of Canada” (Colden 1747), The New York State Library, Document ID 66818,
5.“A Map of the American Indian Nations, adjoining to the Missisippi, West & East Florida, Georgia, S. & N. Carolina, Virginia &c.” (Adair 1775), John Carter Brown Map Collection, Accession Number 02024,
6.Classification of Eskimo-Aleut languages (after Krauss 1979; Mithun 1999)
7.“Map Illustrating the Extermination of the American Bison” (Hornaday 1889b), Library of Congress Geography and Map Division, Washington, D.C., Library of Congress Control Number 2002628195,
8.Title page of the Relation of 1634 (Le Jeune 1635), Bibliothèque nationale de France, dèpartement Rèserve des livres rares, RES 8-LK12-732 (2),
9.Title page of A Key Into the Language of America (Williams 1643), Newberry Digital Collections (Newberry Library), VAULT Ruggles 374,
10.Title page of Eliot’s (1666) grammar, John Carter Brown Library, Indigenous Collection, b5711898,
12.“Map of Linguistic Stocks of American Indians” (Powell 1894), Library of Congress Geography and Map Division, Washington, D.C., Library of Congress Control Number 2001620496,