History and Historiography of Linguistics
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS IV), Trier, 24–28 August 1987
Volume 1: Antiquitity–17th Century
These two volume present papers from the Fourth International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS IV), held at the University of Trier, Germany, in August 1987. Volume 1 contains the following sections: I. Generalia; II. Antiquity; III. Arabic Linguistics; IV. Middle Ages; V. Renaissance; VI. 17th Century. Volume 2 continues with: VII. 18th Century; VIII. 19th Century; IX. 20th Century; and provides Author and Subject Indexes.
[Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 51:1] 1990. xxv, 396 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 3 October 2011
Published online on 3 October 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Vorwort | p. xi
Konferenzprogramm | p. xiii
Opening AddressAldo Scaglione | p. xxi
Teil I
I. Generalia
De la ‘technê“ au calcul: La question de la scientificité de la grammaireSylvian Auroux | p. 3
Grammatik als ‘inventio’Richard Baum | p. 19
Die ersten Stunden: Am Ursprung der SprachwissenschaftVolker Heeschen | p. 33
On the History of Linguistic TerminologyJoachim Mugdan | p. 49
On ‘Unrewriting the History of Linguistics’E.F.K. Koerner | p. 63
II. Antike
Free Will versus Arbitrariness in the History of the Linguistic SignTalbot J. Taylor | p. 79
Roman Evidence on the Authenticity of the Grammar Attributed to Dionysius ThraxVivien A. Law | p. 89
Some Formal Aspects of Aristotelian Componential SemanticsWilliam E. McMahon | p. 97
Zu Text und Interpretation der grammatischen Abschnitte in Aristoteles’ Poetik und zur Umdeutung und Umformung der Redeteileinteilung bis ins orientalische MittelalterHaiim B. Rosén | p. 111
III. Arabische Sprachwissenschaft
New North Arabian Epigraphic Evidence for the History of the Decipherment of the AlphabetWilliam J. Jobling | p. 125
Al-Mubarrad's Place in the History of Arabic GrammarJanusz Danecki | p. 135
Are Linguists Ridiculous? A heavenly discussion between grammarians in the 11th centuryKees Versteegh | p. 147
An Aspect of 19th-Century Arabic Lexicography: The modernizing role and contribution of Faris al-Shidyak (1804?-1887)Mohammed Sawaie | p. 157
IV. Mittelalter
Commentary and Metalanguage in Early Medieval Latin GrammarMark E. Amsler | p. 175
Un courant méconnu de la grammaire spéculativeIrène Rosier-Catach | p. 189
Medieval Philosophers and TranslationL.G. Kelly | p. 205
Alonso de Madrigal: A medieval Spanish pioneer of translation theoryJulio-Cesar Santoyo | p. 219
“Ydioma tripharium” (Dante De vulgari eloquentia, I 8-9)Mirko Tavoni | p. 233
V. Renaissance
Zum Begriff der ‘brevitas’ in der Grammatik (16. und 17. Jahrhundert)Claire Lecointre | p. 251
Grammaire et philosophie chez Jules-César ScaligerPierre Lardet | p. 261
Translation in Pedro-Simón Abril's (1530-1600) Teaching MethodManuel Breva-Claramonte | p. 275
On the History of Classifications in the Romance Language GroupOlga Koutna | p. 287
French Grammarians and Grammars of French in the 16th CenturyDouglas A. Kibbee | p. 301
La tradizione storico-filologica nella linguistica italiana del SettecentoClaudio Marazzini | p. 315
Lexikbeschreibung und Lexikographie zum Spanischen in AmerikaHans-Dieter Paufler | p. 329
VI. 17. Jahrhundert
The Origins of Syntax: Descartes or the ‘Modistae’?Aldo Scaglione | p. 339
On Comenius' Universal LanguageJana Přívratská | p. 349
John Wilkins’ Theory of the Origin and Development of Language: Historical linguistics in 17th-century BritainJoseph L. Subbiondo | p. 357
‘Influence’ in Linguistic Historiography: Some examples from 17th-century FranceWendy Ayres-Bennett | p. 367
Le traitement de l'article dans les grammaires françaises à l'usage des néerlandophones en Belgique (du XVIIe au XIXe siècle)Annie Boone | p. 381
Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General