Early Arabic Grammatical Theory
Heterogeneity and standardization
The Arabic grammatical tradition is remarkable for having organized a large amount of descriptive material within a sophisticated formal framework. The present study seeks to elucidate the early development of this system from a theory-internal perspective; it is mainly concerned with the development of the syntactic theory as a formal object, as system of rules. This endeavor is constituted of four sub-goals: a description of early developments, their periodization, their relation to the traditional account in terms of the Basran and Kufan schools, and their relation to modern linguistic theory.
[Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 53] 1990. xvi, 294 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 3 October 2011
Published online on 3 October 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Abbreviations and Conventions | p. vii
Preface | p. ix
1. Introduction | p. 1
1. The problem
1.1 The schools
1.2 The data
1.3 The Quranic variants, the Qiraa'aat
1.4 The players
1.5 Plan of the book
1.6 Odd remarks
2. Two General Points | p. 13
2.1 Dependency
2.2 The i-inf (genitive)
2.3 Scope of study
3. Farra' as Linguist | p. 19
3.1 ‘Asl
3.2 General rules
3.3 Position, context, mawdi’
3.4 Analogical reasoning
3.5 Farra' on gender
3.6 Ma‘aaniy l-Qur’aan: Farra' and Zajjaj
3.7 Conclusion
4. Sibawayhi's Methodology | p. 35
4.1 Sibawayhi's use of substitution
4.2 Techniques
4.3 Sibawayh and Sarraj
5. Noun Complementation | p. 55
5.1 Sarraj
5.2 Sibawayh
5.3 Types of relation in Sibawayh's treatment of NC
5.4 General summary
5.5 Farra'
5.6 Axfash
5.7 Mubarrid, Tha'lab and others
5.8 The class of noun complementizers
6. Sibawayh and Farra' vs. Later Grammarians | p. 103
6.1 'Isnaad
6.2 The a-inf form
6.3 Sequence of the tamyiyz (or the proper use of analogy)
7. Farra' as Transitional Figure | p. 127
7.1 The specifier, tamyiyz
7.2 The locative, ḏarf, and sifa
7.3 Passive
8. Farra' and the Period of Heterogeneity | p. 157
8.1 Meaning, structural categories and precision of terminology
8.2 Are terminological differences categorical differences?
8.3 Summary
9. Minor Writers | p. 179
9.1 The linguists
9.2 MN
9.3 Ibn Kaysan
9.4 Lughda
9.5 KJN
9.6 Tabular summary
9.7 Tha'lab and Abu Bakr al-Anbari
9.8 Terminological and conceptual heterogeneity
9.9 Non-standard traditions
9.10 Dating works
10. The Development of the Basran and Kufan Schools | p. 203
10.1 Sibawayh
10.2 Farra'
10.3 Linguists after Farra'
10.4 Zajjaj
10.5 From data to theory
11. The Structural Development of Early Arabic Syntactic Theory | p. 221
11.1 The data
11.2 Technical questions
11.3 Periodization
11.4 The schools and linguistic data
11.5 Reconstruction
11.6 Principles of development
11.7 The early evolution of Arabic syntactic theory
Appendix 1
IA. Subject Matter of Ma’aaniy l-Qur'aan, Farra' and Zajjaj | p. 245
IB. Harf in Morphology and Syntax | p. 245
IC. The musnad and musnad ‘ilayhi in Farra' | p. 249
ID. The term sagala | p. 251
IE. Noun complementation citations in Axfash | p. 255
IG. Form and function of governed item in Farra's ’iyqaa‘ relation, vol. I | p. 257
Appendix II Arabic Quotes | p. 261
Appendix III Arabic Linguists | p. 273
Primary | p. 275
Secondary | p. 278
Index of Arabic Grammarians | p. 285
Index of Arabic Grammatical Terms | p. 287
Subject Index | p. 291
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