2022. Charles Hockett’s attempt to resign from the LSA in 1982. In American Linguistics in Transition, ► pp. 282 ff.
Newmeyer, Frederick J.
2022. The members of the LSA Executive Committee in the 1970s and 1980s. In American Linguistics in Transition, ► pp. 324 ff.
Newmeyer, Frederick J.
2022. The structuralist ascendancy in American linguistics. In American Linguistics in Transition, ► pp. 1 ff.
Newmeyer, Frederick J.
2022. The contested LSA presidential election of 1970. In American Linguistics in Transition, ► pp. 261 ff.
Newmeyer, Frederick J.
2022. The members of the LSA Program Committee in the 1970s and the 1980s. In American Linguistics in Transition, ► pp. 333 ff.
Newmeyer, Frederick J.
2022. The diffusion of generativist ideas. In American Linguistics in Transition, ► pp. 183 ff.
Newmeyer, Frederick J.
2022. American structuralism and European structuralism. In American Linguistics in Transition, ► pp. 43 ff.
Newmeyer, Frederick J.
2022. American Linguistics in Transition,
Newmeyer, Frederick J.
2022. Grant recipients in American linguistics in the 1970s and 1980s. In American Linguistics in Transition, ► pp. 335 ff.
Newmeyer, Frederick J.
2022. Early transformational generative grammar. In American Linguistics in Transition, ► pp. 127 ff.
Newmeyer, Frederick J.
2022. The members of the LSA Nominating Committee in the 1970s and 1980s. In American Linguistics in Transition, ► pp. 326 ff.
Newmeyer, Frederick J.
2022. Martin Joos’sReadings in Linguisticsas the apogee of American structuralism. In American Linguistics in Transition, ► pp. 80 ff.
Newmeyer, Frederick J.
2022. Associate Editors of and example articles inLanguagein the 1970s and 1980s. In American Linguistics in Transition, ► pp. 328 ff.
Newmeyer, Frederick J.
2022. The European reception of early transformational generative grammar. In American Linguistics in Transition, ► pp. 216 ff.
Newmeyer, Frederick J.
2022. The generativist non-dominance of the field in the 1970s and 1980s. In American Linguistics in Transition, ► pp. 298 ff.
Keith Allan
2013. The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics,
Allan, Keith
2013. Introduction. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 1 ff.
Atherton, Catherine & David Blank
2013. From Plato to Priscian. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 282 ff.
Blevins, James P.
2013. Word-Based Morphology from Aristotle to Modern WP (Word and Paradigm Models). In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 375 ff.
Blevins, James P.
2013. American Descriptivism (‘Structuralism’). In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 418 ff.
Burridge, Kate
2013. Nineteenth-Century Study of Sound Change from Rask to Saussure. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 141 ff.
Chung, Karen Steffen
2013. East Asian Linguistics. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 209 ff.
Daniels, Peter T.
2013. The History of Writing as a History of Linguistics. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 53 ff.
Deumert, Ana
2013. Language, Culture, and Society. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 655 ff.
Freidin, Robert
2013. Noam Chomsky's Contribution to Linguistics. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 438 ff.
Garnham, Alan
2013. Language, the Mind, and the Brain. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 674 ff.
Geeraerts, Dirk
2013. Post-structuralist and Cognitive Approaches to Meaning. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 570 ff.
Geeraerts, Dirk
2013. Lexical Semantics from Speculative Etymology to Structuralist Semantics. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 555 ff.
Graffi, Giorgio
2013. European Linguistics since Saussure. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 468 ff.
Hanks, Patrick
2013. Lexicography from Earliest Times to the Present. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 502 ff.
Hirst, Graeme
2013. Computational Linguistics. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 707 ff.
Itkonen, Esa
2013. Philosophy of Linguistics. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 746 ff.
Jankowsky, Kurt R.
2013. Comparative, Historical, and Typological Linguistics since the Eighteenth Century. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 635 ff.
Kendon, Adam
2013. History of the Study of Gesture. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 70 ff.
Linn, Andrew
2013. Vernaculars and the Idea of a Standard Language. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 359 ff.
Lipiński, Edward
2013. From Semitic to Afro-Asiatic. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 258 ff.
Loakes, Deborah
2013. From IPA to Praat and Beyond. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 123 ff.
Luhtala, Anneli
2013. Pedagogical Grammars Before the Eighteenth Century. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 340 ff.
Maat, Jaap
2013. General or Universal Grammar from Plato to Chomsky. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 396 ff.
MacMahon, Michael K. C.
2013. Orthography and the Early History of Phonetics. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 105 ff.
Magnus, Margaret
2013. A History of Sound Symbolism. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 191 ff.
Malmkjær, Kirsten
2013. Translation: the Intertranslatability of Languages; Translation and Language Teaching. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 691 ff.
McEnery, Tony & Andrew Hardie
2013. The History of Corpus Linguistics. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 727 ff.
Mey, Jacob L.
2013. A Brief Sketch of the Historic Development of Pragmatics. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 586 ff.
Mufwene, Salikoko S.
2013. The Origins and the Evolution of Language. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 13 ff.
Scharf, Peter M.
2013. Linguistics in India. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 227 ff.
Seuren, Pieter A. M.
2013. The Logico-philosophical Tradition. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 536 ff.
Siewierska, Anna
2013. Functional and Cognitive Grammars. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 485 ff.
van der Hulst, Harry
2013. Discoverers of the Phoneme. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 166 ff.
Waugh, Linda R., José Aldemar Álvarez Valencia, Tom Hong Do, Kristen Michelson & M'Balia Thomas
2013. Meaning in Texts and Contexts. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 612 ff.
Woll, Bencie
2013. The History of Sign Language Linguistics. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. 90 ff.
[no author supplied]
2013. Copyright Page. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. iv ff.
[no author supplied]
2013. Contributors. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. x ff.
[no author supplied]
2013. Dedication. In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ► pp. v ff.
[no author supplied]
2022. Foreword. In American Linguistics in Transition, ► pp. xi ff.
[no author supplied]
2022. List of Abbreviations. In American Linguistics in Transition, ► pp. xv ff.
[no author supplied]
2022. Timeline. In American Linguistics in Transition, ► pp. xvi ff.
[no author supplied]
2022. Copyright Page. In American Linguistics in Transition, ► pp. iv ff.
[no author supplied]
2022. Afterword. In American Linguistics in Transition, ► pp. 358 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 28 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
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