Part of
Narrative and Identity: Studies in Autobiography, Self and Culture
Edited by Jens Brockmeier and Donal Carbaugh
[Studies in Narrative 1] 2001
► pp. 2537
Cited by (123)

Cited by 123 other publications

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Vyšniauskas, Vidmantas
2020. „Čia pas mus“ – kraštietiškumas Pietryčių Lietuvoje: Šalčininkų rajono atvejis. Lietuvos etnologija / Lithuanian ethnology 20 (29) 2020  pp. 81 ff. DOI logo
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Francke, Helena
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Martinussen, Maree
2019. Critical social psychology and interdisciplinary studies of personal life: Greater than the sum of its parts. Social and Personality Psychology Compass 13:1 DOI logo
Puntil, Donata
2019. Becoming a Language Professional in Higher Education: A Psychosocial Case Study. In Negotiating Identity in Modern Foreign Language Teaching,  pp. 91 ff. DOI logo
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Sacher, Julia
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Cubero, Mercedes, Rosario Contreras & Rosario Cubero
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Dyson, Simon M, Waqar IU Ahmad & Karl Atkin
2016. Narrative as re-fusion: Making sense and value from sickle cell and thalassaemia trait. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine 20:6  pp. 616 ff. DOI logo
Marsico, Giuseppina
2016. The borderland. Culture & Psychology 22:2  pp. 206 ff. DOI logo
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Vitanova, Gergana
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Gerlach, Julia
2015. Religion and State Identity-Building in the New Russia. In The Role of Religion in Eastern Europe Today,  pp. 103 ff. DOI logo
Golden, Anne & Elizabeth Lanza
2015. Coon Valley Norwegians Meet Norwegians from Norway. In Germanic Heritage Languages in North America [Studies in Language Variation, 18],  pp. 323 ff. DOI logo
Hall, Joanne M. & Becky Fields
2015. “It’s Killing Us!” Narratives of Black Adults About Microaggression Experiences and Related Health Stress. Global Qualitative Nursing Research 2  pp. 233339361559156 ff. DOI logo
Turunen, Tuija A., Sue Dockett & Bob Perry
2015. Researching memories about starting school: autobiographical narratives as a methodological approach. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 23:5  pp. 635 ff. DOI logo
Chapman, Mimi V & Gabriela L Stein
2014. How do new immigrant Latino parents interpret problem behavior in adolescents?. Qualitative Social Work 13:2  pp. 270 ff. DOI logo
Lindgren, Cecilia & Karin Zetterqvist Nelson
2014. Here and now – there and then: Narrative time and space in intercountry adoptees’ stories about background, origin and roots. Qualitative Social Work 13:4  pp. 539 ff. DOI logo
Matsushita, Hironobu & Kyoichi Kijima
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Smith, Robert
2014. Authoring second-generation entrepreneur and family business stories. Journal of Family Business Management 4:2  pp. 149 ff. DOI logo
Turunen, Tuija
2014. Experienced and Recalled Transition: Starting School as Part of Life History. In Transitions to School - International Research, Policy and Practice [International perspectives on early childhood education and development, 9],  pp. 145 ff. DOI logo
Zhao, Yurong & Yang Zhao
2014. A corpus-based discourse analysis of conversational storytelling in Chinese adults. Chinese Language and Discourse. An International and Interdisciplinary Journal 5:1  pp. 53 ff. DOI logo
Fortier, Isabelle
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Laranjeira, Carlos
2013. The role of narrative and metaphor in the cancer life story: a theoretical analysis. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16:3  pp. 469 ff. DOI logo
Turunen, Tuija & Sue Dockett
2013. Family Members' Memories about Starting School: Intergenerational Aspects. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 38:2  pp. 103 ff. DOI logo
Bamberg, Michael
2012. Narrative Discourse. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, DOI logo
Field, Roger
2012. ‘… The Agapanthi, Asphodels of the Negroes…’: Life-Writing, Landscape and Race in the South African Diaries and Poetry of George Seferis. English Studies in Africa 55:1  pp. 77 ff. DOI logo
Hamdan, Amani
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2012. Narrative Analysis in Sociological Research: Main Approaches and a Unifying Frame. Czech Sociological Review 48:2  pp. 199 ff. DOI logo
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2012. The Psychologica-Bildungsroman: Exploring Narrative Identity, Audience Effect and Genre in Autobiographies of Trainee-Psychologists. South African Journal of Psychology 42:3  pp. 358 ff. DOI logo
Nelson, Mark Evan, Glynda A. Hull & Randy Young
2012. Portrait of the Artist as a Younger Adult:. In Identity, Community, and Learning Lives in the Digital Age,  pp. 215 ff. DOI logo
Smith, Frances L. M. & Debbie S. Dougherty
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2011. Exposure to life-writing as an impact on autobiographical memory. Memory Studies 4:2  pp. 206 ff. DOI logo
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2011. Shifting the Balance: The Contemporary Narrative of Obesity. Health Communication 26:1  pp. 37 ff. DOI logo
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Coffey, Simon
2013. Strangerhood and intercultural subjectivity. Language and Intercultural Communication 13:3  pp. 266 ff. DOI logo
Ferrari, Michel & Ljiljana Vuletic
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Lapadat, Judith C., Nancy E. Black, Philip G. Clark, Richard M. Gremm, Lucy W. Karanja, Lucy W. Mieke & Loriann Quinlan
2010. Life Challenge Memory Work: Using Collaborative Autobiography to Understand Ourselves. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 9:1  pp. 77 ff. DOI logo
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Lapadat, Judith C.
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2008. Narrative and Identity in the “Language Learning Project”. The Modern Language Journal 92:3  pp. 452 ff. DOI logo
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2006. Motherhood versus patienthood: a conflict of identities. Medical Humanities 32:1  pp. 20 ff. DOI logo
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2006. All About Me, I Mean, You: The Trouble with Narrative Authority in Self-Help Literature. The Communication Review 9:4  pp. 321 ff. DOI logo
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2006. Confabulation: sense-making, self-making and world-making in dementia. Discourse Studies 8:5  pp. 647 ff. DOI logo
Hyden, Margareta & Carolina Overlien
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2005. Becoming a Team: Individualism, Collectivism, Ethnicity, and Group Socialization in Los Angeles Girls' Basketball. Ethos 33:4  pp. 542 ff. DOI logo
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