Adamson, John Lindsay & Theron Muller
Collaborative autoethnography in applied linguistics: reflecting on research practice.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2024:285
► pp. 155 ff.
Faherty, Amanda N. & Adriana Pinera-Cruz
The Parenting Gold Standard: Maternal Master Narratives of Parenting Black Emerging Adult Children.
Journal of Black Psychology 50:2
► pp. 211 ff.
Mohammed Alwuraafi, Ebrahim
Narrating the Other Half of the Palestinian Story: Reading Susan Abulhawa’s Novels as Counternarratives.
International Critical Thought 14:1
► pp. 119 ff.
Pereira Vargas, Maria Luisa Fernanda, Anthony Papathomas, Florence-Emilie Kinnafick & Paul Rhodes
Stories of acceptance and resistance: illness identity construction in athletes (mis)diagnosed with a personality disorder.
Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health 16:2
► pp. 117 ff.
Bruns, Hanna
“That’s all it takes to be trans”: counter-strategies to hetero- and transnormative discourse on YouTube.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2023:283
► pp. 53 ff.
Dutta-Flanders, Reshmi
The crime-culture connection in a crime fact story: An applied approach.
Cogent Social Sciences 9:1
Grenier, Robin S. & Kristi Kaeppel
Challenging Dominant Ideologies and Expanding the Narrative Habitus in Spaces of Organizing Through Critical Thinking. In
The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Human Resource Development,
► pp. 201 ff.
Hieu, Tran Ngoc
The Red River’s Mid-Island: Sketching an Alternative Narrative History of Hanoi’s Identity.
Landscapes 24:1
► pp. 81 ff.
Hinrichsen, Merle
#Widerstand. Erfahrungen von Sexismus und Rassismus in den Biografien junger Frauen of Color und ihre öffentliche Artikulation in sozialen Medien.
GENDER – Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft 15:1
► pp. 42 ff.
Holland-Muter, Susan
“Not in Front of my Friends”: Navigating Lesbian Motherhood in the Borderlands.
LGBTQ+ Family: An Interdisciplinary Journal 19:4
► pp. 288 ff.
Li, Jing & Cheryl J. Craig
A beginning teacher’s living of counter stories in a high-needs school in rural China.
Research Papers in Education 38:1
► pp. 1 ff.
Liedgren, Pernilla, Christian Kullberg & Julia Callegari
Mercy, Mercy Me - counterstories in applications for debt reconstruction.
Nordic Social Work Research 13:3
► pp. 472 ff.
Poppi, Fabio Indìo Massimo
Principiis Obsta: Strategies of Narrative Resistance to Italian Organized Crime Governance.
Deviant Behavior 44:9
► pp. 1303 ff.
Poppi, Fabio Indìo Massimo
Mater familias: Counter-narratives of sexism and heteronormativity in the Italian food culture.
Food, Culture & Society 27:4
► pp. 953 ff.
Poppi, Fabio Indìo Massimo
Poppi, Fabio Indìo Massimo
Per imaginem ad Veritatem: joint fantasizing of crime.
Criminal Justice Studies 37:2
► pp. 99 ff.
Saldanha, Fabio Prado, Marlei Pozzebon, Chantale Mailhot & David Le Puil
Counter-Narratives Mobilized by Deprived Communities Through Theatre Interventions: Deconstructing and Reframing Master Narratives.
Management Communication Quarterly 37:3
► pp. 478 ff.
Tzouva, Pinelopi
Cancer made me a shallower person: A minoritarian story in comics.
Frontiers of Narrative Studies 8:2
► pp. 158 ff.
Fjetland, Kirsten Jæger
8. Citizenship of resistance. In
Lived citizenship for persons in vulnerable life situations,
► pp. 131 ff.
Prior, Alex & Cristina Leston-Bandeira
Parliamentary storytelling: a new concept in public engagement with parliaments.
The Journal of Legislative Studies 28:1
► pp. 67 ff.
Romaioli, Diego
A Generative Sequential Mixed Methods Approach Using Quantitative Measures to Enhance Social Constructionist Inquiry.
Journal of Mixed Methods Research 16:2
► pp. 207 ff.
Winstead, Wheeler R. & Jean T. Wells
African Youth Rising: The Emergence and Growth of Youth-Led Digital Enterprises in Africa. In
The Palgrave Handbook of African Entrepreneurship,
► pp. 303 ff.
Antolin, Pascale
Neurological Impairment and Literary Empowerment in Nicole Krauss’s Man Walks into a Room.
European journal of American studies 16:4
Corple, Danielle, Jasmine R. Linabary & Cheryl Cooky
‘He never hit me #WhyIStayed’: countering the U.S. domestic violence master narrative.
Journal of Applied Communication Research 49:5
► pp. 532 ff.
Hyvärinen, Matti, Mari Hatavara & Hanna Rautajoki
Li, Yumei, Cameron White & Yali Zou
“Living with solitude”: narrative of a female college student from rural China.
British Journal of Sociology of Education 42:7
► pp. 1055 ff.
Prentice, Sheryl & Paul J. Taylor
Poles Apart? The Extent of Similarity Between Online Extremist and Non-extremist Message Content.
Frontiers in Psychology 12
Sergeeva, Natalya & Graham M. Winch
Project Narratives That Potentially Perform and Change the Future.
Project Management Journal 52:3
► pp. 264 ff.
Skoglund, Jeanette & Renee Thørnblad
Problemer med foreldresamvær i barnevernet – unge voksnes fortellinger.
Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern 98:3
► pp. 210 ff.
Truusa, Tiia-Triin, Kairi Kasearu & Judit Strömpl
Military spouses in contemporary Estonia: meaning making in the stories of the wives and partners of active servicemen.
Journal of Baltic Studies 52:3
► pp. 307 ff.
Althoff, Martina
Stories of Gender and Migration, Crime and Security: Between Outrage and Denial. In
Conflicting Narratives of Crime and Punishment,
► pp. 259 ff.
Asztalos Morell, Ildikó, Santa De, Pravina Mahadalkar, Carl Johansson & Lena-Karin Gustafsson
Silence or Voice? Agency Freedom among Elderly Women Living in Extended Families in Urban India.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17:23
► pp. 8779 ff.
De Medeiros, Kate, Etter-Lewis, Gwendolyn & Barbara J Bowers
“Place” in the Small Stories of African American Elders: A Narrative Case Study.
The Gerontologist 60:5
► pp. 821 ff.
Heslop, Julia & Emma Ormerod
The Politics of Crisis: Deconstructing the Dominant Narratives of the Housing Crisis.
Antipode 52:1
► pp. 145 ff.
Hochman, Yael & Gabriela Spector‐Mersel
Three strategies for doing narrative resistance: Navigating between master narratives.
British Journal of Social Psychology 59:4
► pp. 1043 ff.
McCallum, Ross, Maria I. Medved, Diane Hiebert-Murphy, Jino Distasio, Jitender Sareen & Dan Chateau
Fixed Nodes of Transience: Narratives of Homelessness and Emergency Department Use.
Qualitative Health Research 30:8
► pp. 1183 ff.
Poppi, Fabio I. M. & Sveinung Sandberg
Sandberg, Sveinung & Sarah Colvin
‘ISIS is not Islam’: Epistemic Injustice, Everyday Religion, and Young Muslims’ Narrative Resistance.
The British Journal of Criminology
Blix, Bodil H, Charlotte Berendonk & Vera Caine
Theoretical foundations of narrative care: Turning towards relational ethics.
Nursing Ethics 26:7-8
► pp. 1917 ff.
Campbell, Rosalyn Denise & Junior Llyod Allen
“Just fighting my way through…”: four narratives on what it means to be Black, male, and depressed.
Social Work in Mental Health 17:5
► pp. 589 ff.
Hansen, Per Krogh & Marianne Wolff Lundholt
Conflicts between founder and CEO narratives: Counter-narrative, character and identification in organisational changes.
Frontiers of Narrative Studies 5:1
► pp. 94 ff.
Raitanen, Jenni, Sveinung Sandberg & Atte Oksanen
The bullying-school shooting nexus: Bridging master narratives of mass violence with personal narratives of social exclusion.
Deviant Behavior 40:1
► pp. 96 ff.
Silvén Hagström, Anneli & Teolinda Toft
“TOGETHER WE ARE UNBEATABLE”: young sisters’ narration of a sibling’s cancer in personal blogs on the internet.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 14:1
Sørly, Rita, Martin Sollund Krane, Geir Bye & May-Britt Ellingsen
“There Is a Lot of Community Spirit Going On.” Middle Managers' Stories of Innovation in Home Care Services.
SAGE Open Nursing 5
Adamson, John & Theron Muller
Joint autoethnography of teacher experience in the academy: exploring methods for collaborative inquiry.
International Journal of Research & Method in Education 41:2
► pp. 207 ff.
Hansen, Per Krogh
Illness and heroics: On counter-narrative and counter‑metaphor in the discourse on cancer.
Frontiers of Narrative Studies 4:s1
► pp. s213 ff.
Spector-Mersel, Gabriela & Evgeny Knaifel
Narrative research on mental health recovery: two sister paradigms.
Journal of Mental Health 27:4
► pp. 298 ff.
Barreiro, Alicia, Cecilia Wainryb & Mario Carretero
Power Struggles in the Remembering of Historical Intergroup Conflict: Hegemonic and Counter-Narratives About the Argentine “Conquest of the Desert”. In
History Education and Conflict Transformation,
► pp. 125 ff.
Dwyer, Rachael & elke emerald
Narrative Research in Practice: Navigating the Terrain. In
Narrative Research in Practice,
► pp. 1 ff.
Gustafsson, Karin M.
Narrating the Monarch Butterfly: Managing Knowledge Complexity and Uncertainty in Coproduction of a Collective Narrative and Public Discourse.
Science Communication 39:4
► pp. 492 ff.
Kerrick, Madeleine R. & Rachel L. Henry
“Totally in Love”: Evidence of a Master Narrative for How New Mothers Should Feel About Their Babies.
Sex Roles 76:1-2
► pp. 1 ff.
McKenzie-Mohr, Suzanne & Michelle N Lafrance
Narrative resistance in social work research and practice: Counter-storying in the pursuit of social justice.
Qualitative Social Work 16:2
► pp. 189 ff.
Rance, Jake, Rebecca Gray & Max Hopwood
“Why Am I the Way I Am?” Narrative Work in the Context of Stigmatized Identities.
Qualitative Health Research 27:14
► pp. 2222 ff.
Romaioli, Diego & Alberta Contarello
Invecchiare bene in tempi di crisi. Punti di vista euritmici attraverso i posizionamenti con l'Alter.
► pp. 26 ff.
Van De Mieroop, Dorien, Marlene Miglbauer & Abha Chatterjee
Mobilizing master narratives through categorical narratives and categorical statements when default identities are at stake.
Discourse & Communication 11:2
► pp. 179 ff.
Eargle, Jeffrey C.
The Dominant Narrative of Slavery in South Carolina's History Standards.
The Journal of Social Studies Research 40:4
► pp. 295 ff.
Klausen, Rita K, Marie Karlsson, Svein Haugsgjerd & Geir Fagerjord Lorem
Motherhood and mental distress: Personal stories of mothers who have been admitted for mental health treatment.
Qualitative Social Work 15:1
► pp. 103 ff.
Eerola, Petteri & Johanna Mykkänen
Paternal Masculinities in Early Fatherhood.
Journal of Family Issues 36:12
► pp. 1674 ff.
Silvén Hagström, Anneli
‘Suicide stigma’ renegotiated: Storytelling, social support and resistance in an Internet-based community for the young suicide-bereaved.
Qualitative Social Work 16:6
► pp. 775 ff.
Hammarén, Nils
Identities at Stake.
YOUNG 22:3
► pp. 203 ff.
Jonsson, Rickard
Boys' Anti-School Culture? Narratives and School Practices.
Anthropology & Education Quarterly 45:3
► pp. 276 ff.
Næss, Anders & Mia Vabø
Negotiating Narratives of Elderly Care: The Case of Pakistani Migration to Norway.
Ageing International 39:1
► pp. 13 ff.
Reiffenrath, Tanja
Mind over Matter? Joshua Ferris’s The Unnamed as Counternarrative.
[sic] - a journal of literature, culture and literary translation :1.5
Sools, Anneke & Carmen Schuhmann
Theorizing the Narrative Dimension of Psychotherapy and Counseling: A Big and Small Story Approach.
Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 44:3
► pp. 191 ff.
Luttrell, Wendy
Children's Counter‐narratives of Care: Towards Educational Justice.
Children & Society 27:4
► pp. 295 ff.
Lal, Jayati
(Un)becoming Women: Indian Factory Women's Counternarratives of Gender.
The Sociological Review 59:3
► pp. 553 ff.
Galasińska, Aleksandra
Gossiping in the Polish Club: An Emotional Coexistence of ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Migrants.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 36:6
► pp. 939 ff.
[no author supplied]
Counternarratives of Community-Based Advocacy as Sources of Knowledge for Urban Planning.
eJournal of Public Affairs 7:2
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 2 november 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
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