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Considering Counter-Narratives: Narrating, resisting, making sense
Edited by Michael Bamberg and Molly Andrews
[Studies in Narrative 4] 2004
► pp. 16
Cited by (71)

Cited by 71 other publications

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Gustafsson, Karin M.
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2017. “Totally in Love”: Evidence of a Master Narrative for How New Mothers Should Feel About Their Babies. Sex Roles 76:1-2  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
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2017. Narrative resistance in social work research and practice: Counter-storying in the pursuit of social justice. Qualitative Social Work 16:2  pp. 189 ff. DOI logo
Piekut, Anke
2017. “Brown eyes are not the same as blue eyes”. Narrative Inquiry 27:2  pp. 378 ff. DOI logo
Rance, Jake, Rebecca Gray & Max Hopwood
2017. “Why Am I the Way I Am?” Narrative Work in the Context of Stigmatized Identities. Qualitative Health Research 27:14  pp. 2222 ff. DOI logo
Romaioli, Diego & Alberta Contarello
2017. Invecchiare bene in tempi di crisi. Punti di vista euritmici attraverso i posizionamenti con l'Alter. PSICOLOGIA DELLA SALUTE :1  pp. 26 ff. DOI logo
Van De Mieroop, Dorien, Marlene Miglbauer & Abha Chatterjee
2017. Mobilizing master narratives through categorical narratives and categorical statements when default identities are at stake. Discourse & Communication 11:2  pp. 179 ff. DOI logo
Eargle, Jeffrey C.
2016. The Dominant Narrative of Slavery in South Carolina's History Standards. The Journal of Social Studies Research 40:4  pp. 295 ff. DOI logo
Klausen, Rita K, Marie Karlsson, Svein Haugsgjerd & Geir Fagerjord Lorem
2016. Motherhood and mental distress: Personal stories of mothers who have been admitted for mental health treatment. Qualitative Social Work 15:1  pp. 103 ff. DOI logo
Eerola, Petteri & Johanna Mykkänen
2015. Paternal Masculinities in Early Fatherhood. Journal of Family Issues 36:12  pp. 1674 ff. DOI logo
Scranton, Audrey
2015. “I won’t change who I am for anyone”. Narrative Inquiry 25:1  pp. 148 ff. DOI logo
Hagström, Anneli Silvén
2014. “The self-murderer from Orminge”. Narrative Inquiry 24:2  pp. 218 ff. DOI logo
Silvén Hagström, Anneli
2017. ‘Suicide stigma’ renegotiated: Storytelling, social support and resistance in an Internet-based community for the young suicide-bereaved. Qualitative Social Work 16:6  pp. 775 ff. DOI logo
Hammarén, Nils
2014. Identities at Stake. YOUNG 22:3  pp. 203 ff. DOI logo
Jonsson, Rickard
2014. Boys' Anti-School Culture? Narratives and School Practices. Anthropology & Education Quarterly 45:3  pp. 276 ff. DOI logo
Næss, Anders & Mia Vabø
2014. Negotiating Narratives of Elderly Care: The Case of Pakistani Migration to Norway. Ageing International 39:1  pp. 13 ff. DOI logo
Reiffenrath, Tanja
2014. Mind over Matter? Joshua Ferris’s The Unnamed as Counternarrative. [sic] - a journal of literature, culture and literary translation :1.5 DOI logo
Sools, Anneke & Carmen Schuhmann
2014. Theorizing the Narrative Dimension of Psychotherapy and Counseling: A Big and Small Story Approach. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 44:3  pp. 191 ff. DOI logo
Luttrell, Wendy
2013. Children's Counter‐narratives of Care: Towards Educational Justice. Children & Society 27:4  pp. 295 ff. DOI logo
Pederson, Joshua R.
2013. Disruptions of individual and cultural identities. Narrative Inquiry 23:2  pp. 302 ff. DOI logo
Lal, Jayati
2011. (Un)becoming Women: Indian Factory Women's Counternarratives of Gender. The Sociological Review 59:3  pp. 553 ff. DOI logo
Galasińska, Aleksandra
2010. Gossiping in the Polish Club: An Emotional Coexistence of ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Migrants. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 36:6  pp. 939 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2018. Counternarratives of Community-Based Advocacy as Sources of Knowledge for Urban Planning. eJournal of Public Affairs 7:2 DOI logo

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