Small Stories, Interaction and Identities
Narrative research is frequently described as a diverse enterprise, yet the kinds of narrative data that it bases itself on present a striking consensus: they tend to be autobiographical and elicited in interviews. This book sets out to carve out a space alongside this narrative canon for stories that have not made it to the mainstream of narrative and identity analysis, yet they abound as well as being crucial sites of subjectivity in everyday interactional contexts. By labelling those stories as ‘small’, the book emphasizes their distinctiveness, both interactionally and as an antidote to the tradition of ‘grand’ narratives research. Drawing primarily on the audio-recorded small stories of a group of female adolescents that was studied ethnographically in a town in Greece, the book follows a language-focused and practice-based approach in order to provide fresh answers and perspectives on some of the perennial questions of narrative analysis: How can we (re)conceptualize the mainstay concepts of tellership, structure and evaluation in small stories? How do the participants’ telling identities connect with their larger social identities? Finally, what does the project of storying self (and other) mean in small stories and how can it be best explored?
[Studies in Narrative, 8] 2007. xii, 186 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 1 July 2008
Published online on 1 July 2008
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Preface | pp. vii–ix
Transcription symbols | p. xi
Chapter 1. From narrative/text to small stories/practices | pp. 1–29
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Narrative as talk-in-interaction
1.2 Narrative and social practice: Beyond the here-and-now of local interactions
1.3 Narrative and identities
1.4 Methodological perspectives: Ethnographies of narrative events
Chapter 2. Beyond the narrative canon: Small stories in action | pp. 31–60
2.1 The canon
2.2 Types of small stories
2.3 Interactional features
2.4 Conclusion: Small stories in context
Chapter 3. Narrative structure in small stories | pp. 61–87
3.1 Narrative structure beyond Labov
3.2 Structure as sequence
3.3 The emergence of structure
3.4 The temporalization of structure
3.5 Narrative structure and/in narrative genres
3.6 Time and place in projections: Sequential, emergent and temporalized
3.7 Conclusion
Chapter 4. Small stories and identities | pp. 89–117
4.1 From storytelling roles to large identities
4.2 A toolkit for identity analysis
4.3 Telling and social roles close up
4.4 Conclusion: Small stories and identities in social practice
Chapter 5. Positioning self and other in small stories | pp. 119–146
5.1 Narrative identities and positioning
5.2. Positioning cues and small stories
5.3 Positionings of other as gendered performances
5.4 From other-positionings to self-identities
5.5 Small stories as fantasies
Conclusion: Small stories as the new narrative turn | pp. 147–154
From big stories to small stories
Small stories as social practices
Small stories as a new perspective in narrative analysis
Small stories and identities: premises and implications
Appendix | pp. 155–170
Name index | pp. 181–182
Subject index | pp. 183–185
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Main BIC Subject
CFG: Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis
Main BISAC Subject
PSY023000: PSYCHOLOGY / Personality