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Cited by (6)
Cited by six other publications
Malamud, Sophia A.
2013. (In)definiteness-driven typology of arbitrary items. Lingua 126 ► pp. 1 ff.
Eguzkitza, Andolin & Georg A. Kaiser
1999. Postverbal subjects in Romance and German: Some notes on the Unaccusative Hypothesis. Lingua 109:3 ► pp. 195 ff.
1991. On (in)definite articles: implicatures and (un)grammaticality prediction. Journal of Linguistics 27:2 ► pp. 405 ff.
Van Der Wurff, Wim
1989. The syntax of participial adjuncts in Eastern Bengali. Journal of Linguistics 25:2 ► pp. 373 ff.
1989. A REMARKABLE GAP IN THE HISTORY OF ENGLISH SYNTAX. Folia Linguistica Historica 22:Historica vol. 9,2
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