Book review
Deirdre Wilson. Presuppositions and Non-Truth-Conditional Semantics. Academic Press, 1975. xiv+161 pp. £ 4.60
References (14)
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Morgan, J. L.: 1969, “On the Treatment of Presupposition in Transformational Grammar”, in R. Binnick et al. (eds.), Papers from the Fifth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
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Schiebe, T.: 1975, Über Präsuppositionen zusammengesetzter Sätze im Deutschen, Almquist & Wiksell, Stockholm.
Steinberg, D. D. and Jakobovits, L. A. (eds.): 1971, Semantics. An Interdisciplinary Reader in Philosophy, Linguistics, and Psychology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Strawson, P. F.: 1964, “Identifying Reference and Truth-Values”, Theoria 301, 96–118. Reprinted in Steinberg and Jakobovits. (1971).
Wilson, D.: 1972, “Presuppositions on Factives”, Linguistic Iquiry 31, 405–410.
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Schiebe, Traugott
Prüsuppositionen und Syntax.
Journal of Pragmatics 4:1
► pp. 71 ff.

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