In Dolakha Newari, the dative case marks recipients of ditransitive verbs and some patients of monotransitive verbs. Quantative studies show that animacy and activation cost are both relevant in determining the distribution of dative case. Two theories on the syntactic status of objects in systems of this general type are shown to be inadequate for Dolakha. Instead it is found that there is no morphological or syntactic evidence for differentiating between classes of object in this language. Theories on the motivation of this pattern are considered, and it is concluded that it is best understood in terms of referent importance or topicworthiness.
2015. Variable coding and object alignment in Spanish: A corpus-based approach. Folia Linguistica 49:1
Genetti, Carol
2011. The tapestry of Dolakha Newar: Chaining, embedding, and the complexity of sentences. Linguistic Typology 15:1
Li, Chao
2007. Split ergativity and split intransitivity in Nepali. Lingua 117:8 ► pp. 1462 ff.
Næss, Åshild
2004. What markedness marks: the markedness problem with direct objects. Lingua 114:9-10 ► pp. 1186 ff.
van Driem, George
2002. Tibeto-Burman replaces Indo-Chinese in the 1990s: review of a decade of scholarship. Lingua 112:2 ► pp. 79 ff.
[no author supplied]
2023. ,
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