Book review
J. B. Pickering & B. S. Rosner (eds). Oxford Acoustic Phonetic Database on Compact Disc. Oxford University Press, 1993. 2 CD-ROM discs. ISBN 0-19-268085-4 196 pp. 0-19-268086-2
References (22)
Collins Cobuild English language dictionary. 1987. London: Collins. (IPA)
Duden Aussprachewörterbuch. 1990. 3rd rev. ed. edition. (2nd ed. 1974) Bearbeitet von Max Mangold. (IPA) Mannheim: Bibliographisches Institut.
Esling, John. 1994. University of Victoria phonetic database. On CD-ROM. Extensive accompanying text. Victoria, BC, Canada: University of Victoria.
Jones, Daniel. 1937. An English pronouncing dictionary. (EPD) Orig. 1917. 2nd 1924, 4th 1937, 9th 1975, 13th rev. 1967, 14th rev. 1991. A new 15th edition is in preparation. NY: Dutton. (IPA)
Jones, Daniel. 1991. An English pronouncing dictionary. (EPD) 14th rev. ed. A. Gimson, and S. Ramsaran. eds. Cambridge University Press. (IPA) IPA-Kiel. 1989. International Phonetic Alphabet. (Slightly revised 1993 in JIPA 23, no. 1: 32–34 and 1996 in JIPA 251, no. 11: centerpage.)
Lerond, Alain. 1980. Dictionnaire de la prononciation. Paris: Larousse. (Modified IPA.)
Lindblad, Per. 1980. Svenskans sje- och tje- ljud. Tape cassettes included. Lund: C. W.K. Gleerup.
Local, John. 1983. “How many vowels in a vowel?” Journal of Child Language 101: 449–453.
Computerized Speech Lab. (CSL 4300) Pine Brook, NJ: 07058, and Victoria, Canada: Kay Elementrics Corp.
Maddieson, Ian. 1984. Patterns of sounds. (An analysis of the UCLA Phonological Segment Inventory Database. UPSID.) Cambridge University Press.
Shibles, Warren. 1992. Spanish phonetics: A critique and review of the literature. Lenguaje y Ciencias (University Of Trujillo) Part I in vol. 32, no. 2: 34–52, and Part II, 3, no. 1:1–25
Shibles, Warren. 1994a. “The comparative phonetics of French: Realphonetik
”. Revue de Phonétique Appliquée no. 1101: 53–85.
Shibles, Warren. 1994b. “The phantom schwa: A pseudo-symbol”. Grazer Linguistische Studien 421: 79–97.
Shibles, Warren. 1994c. “The comparative phonetics of Italian”. Italica. (American Association of Teachers of Italian.) 711, no. 41: 548–566.
Shibles, Warren. 1994d. “A comparative phonetics of Italian dialects”. Quaderni Patavini di Linguistica 131: 89–144.
Shibles, Warren. 1995a. “The comparative phonetics of German: Realphonetik
”. Wirkendes Wort Heft 1/21.
Shibles, Warren. 1995b. “The phonetics of standard British pronunciation: RP English-a pseudo concept?” RASK: International tidsskrift for sprog og kommunikation. v. 21. (Spring): 51–89.
Shibles, Warren. 1995c. “The comparative phonetics of English and its dialects”. RASK: International tidsskrift for sprog og kommunikation 31: 37–92.
SoundEdit Pro 16. Macromedia, San Francisco, CA.
Speech disc. DARPA TIMIT CD-ROM. NIST 1-1.1. 1990. National Information Service and Linguistic Data Consortium.
Stanford phonology archive (ST). 1979. Handbook of phonological data from a sample of the world’s languages. Editors: J. Crothers, J. Lorentz, D. Sherman, M. Vihman. 41 vols. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Department of Linguistics.
Wells, John C. 1990. Longman pronunciation dictionary. (LPD) 5th impression. 1993. London: Longman. (IPA-EPD14, RP and AP)