Article published In:
Studies in Language
Vol. 27:3 (2003) ► pp.635655
Cited by (30)

Cited by 30 other publications

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2024. Comment désigner la mort cette ?. Géolinguistique 24 DOI logo
Garoma, Eba Teresa
2024. Demonstratives in Afaan Oromoo. Cogent Arts & Humanities 11:1 DOI logo
Jaradat, Abdulazeez
2024. From nominal source to demonstrative: a case of grammaticalization in Standard Arabic. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 77:3  pp. 315 ff. DOI logo
Koenig, Ekkehard
2024. The historical development of asymmetries. Studies in Language DOI logo
Ruys, E. G.
2023. Not every pronoun is always a pronoun. Linguistics and Philosophy 46:5  pp. 1027 ff. DOI logo
Lu, Man
2022. Polygrammaticalization: the morphemekoin the Miluo Xiang dialect. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 75:2  pp. 239 ff. DOI logo
Meeuwis, Michael & Koen Stroeken
2022. Non-situational functions of demonstrative noun phrases in Lingala (Bantu). Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)  pp. 147 ff. DOI logo
Mwinlaaru, Isaac N. & Foong Ha Yap
2021. Syntactic position, qualitative features and extended demonstrative functions: Dagaare distal demonstratives nὲ and lὲ in interactional discourse. Journal of Pragmatics 182  pp. 265 ff. DOI logo
Rubio-Fernandez, Paula
2021. Pragmatic markers: the missing link between language and Theory of Mind. Synthese 199:1-2  pp. 1125 ff. DOI logo
Rubio-Fernandez, Paula
2022. Demonstrative systems: From linguistic typology to social cognition. Cognitive Psychology 139  pp. 101519 ff. DOI logo
Auderset, Sandra
2020. Interrogatives as relativization markers in Indo-European. Diachronica 37:4  pp. 474 ff. DOI logo
Heine, Bernd, Tania Kuteva, Haiping Long, Heiko Narrog & Fang Wu
2020. Where do demonstratives come from?. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 73:3  pp. 403 ff. DOI logo
Vajda, Edward
2020. A typology of questions in Northeast Asia and beyond: An ecological perspective, written by Andreas Hölzl. International Journal of Eurasian Linguistics 1:2  pp. 361 ff. DOI logo
Kuteva, Tania, Bernd Heine, Bo Hong, Haiping Long, Heiko Narrog & Seongha Rhee
2019. World Lexicon of Grammaticalization, DOI logo
Moyse-Faurie, Claire
2019. Similarity, comparison of equality and verbal manner demonstratives in Polynesian languages. Faits de Langues 50:1  pp. 135 ff. DOI logo
Baunaz, Lena & Eric Lander
2018. Deconstructing categories syncretic with the nominal complementizer. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 3:1 DOI logo
2018. The grammar of engagement I: framework and initial exemplification. Language and Cognition 10:1  pp. 110 ff. DOI logo
Gärdenfors, Peter & Maja Brala-Vukanović
2018. Semantic domains of demonstratives and articles: A view of deictic referentiality explored on the paradigm of Croatian demonstratives. Lingua 201  pp. 102 ff. DOI logo
Sheng, Yimin
2015. The Location morpheme-demonstrative cycle in Wu dialects. International Journal of Chinese Linguistics 2:1  pp. 121 ff. DOI logo
Kummerow, David
2012. The Person That Isn't: On Defining the Third-Person, Negatively and Positively So. Australian Journal of Linguistics 32:2  pp. 259 ff. DOI logo
Catasso, Nicholas
2011. The Grammaticalization of Demonstratives: A Comparative Analysis. Journal of Universal Language 12:1  pp. 7 ff. DOI logo
Walkowski, Swen, Ralf Dörner, Mirja Lievonen & Duska Rosenberg
2011. Using a game controller for relaying deictic gestures in computer-mediated communication. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 69:6  pp. 362 ff. DOI logo
Suárez-Gómez, Cristina
2008. Strategies in Competition: Demonstratives and Interrogatives as Relativizers in the History of English. English Studies 89:3  pp. 339 ff. DOI logo
Cysouw, Michael
2007. Content Interrogatives in Pichis Ashéninca: Corpus Study and Typological Comparison. International Journal of American Linguistics 73:2  pp. 133 ff. DOI logo
Diessel, H.
2006. Demonstratives. In Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics,  pp. 430 ff. DOI logo
Diessel, Holger
2006. Demonstratives, joint attention, and the emergence of grammar. Cognitive Linguistics 17:4 DOI logo
Diessel, Holger
2013. Where does language come from? Some reflections on the role of deictic gesture and demonstratives in the evolution of language. Language and Cognition 5:2-3  pp. 239 ff. DOI logo
Diessel, Holger
2014. Demonstratives, Frames of Reference, and Semantic Universals of Space. Language and Linguistics Compass 8:3  pp. 116 ff. DOI logo

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