Book review
Laurel J. Brinton & Elizabeth Closs Traugott. Lexicalization and Language Change. Cambridge: CUP, 2005.
References (8)
Dressler, Wolfgang U. 1985. Morphonology. The dynamics of derivation. Ann Arbor MI: Karoma.
Giegerich, Heinz. 1999. Lexical strata in English. Cambridge: CUP.. 

Hoey, Michael. 2006. Lexical priming. A new theory of words and language. London: Routledge.
Kastovsky, Dieter. 1982. Wortbildung und Semantik. Düsseldorf: Schwann-Bagel.
Lipka, Leonhard. 1990. An outline of English lexicology. Tübingen: Niemeyer. 

McMahon, April. 2000. Lexical phonology and the history of English. Cambridge: CUP.. 

Sinclair, John & Ronald Carter. 2005. Trust the text: Language, corpus and discourse. London: Routledge.
Widdowson, Henry. 2004. Text, context, pretext: Critical issues in discourse analysis. London: Blackwell.