Article published In:
Studies in Transitivity: Insights from Language Documentation
Edited by František Kratochvíl, Alexander R. Coupe and Randy J. LaPolla
[Studies in Language 35:3] 2011
► pp. 469492
Cited by (10)

Cited by ten other publications

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2023. Methodology: Meditations of a Philosophical Buddhologist. In Guruparamparā. Studies on Buddhism, India, Tibet and More in Honour of Professor Marek Mejor, DOI logo
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2020. Transitivity and valence. In Usage-Based Studies in Modern Hebrew [Studies in Language Companion Series, 210],  pp. 465 ff. DOI logo
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Heaton, Raina
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Legallois, Dominique
2017. Pour une conception constructionnelle de la transitivité. Langue française N° 194:2  pp. 15 ff. DOI logo
LaPolla, Randy J.
2016. Once again on methodology and argumentation in linguistics. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 39:2  pp. 282 ff. DOI logo
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Cheonhak Kim
2014. The Study on the Telicity in Korean Verbs. Language & Information Society 21:null  pp. 23 ff. DOI logo

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