‘Restricted group’ and ‘group’ within the pronominal system of Western Toba (Guaicuruan, Argentina)
María Belén Carpio | Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Universidad Nacional de Nordeste (UNNE)
This paper describes splits on the basis of number within first-person verbal pronominal indexes and independent pronouns, and third-person verbal pronominal indexes in Western Toba, a southern Guaicuruan language. First-person nonsingular dependent and independent pronouns are analyzed in terms of ‘restricted group’ and ‘group’, i.e., according to the number of participants plus the speaker involved in the situation depicted by the verb. This is a peculiarity of Western Toba among the southern Guaicuruan languages. In addition, horizontal homophony between third-person singular and collective (‘group’) vs. plural (‘restricted group’) verbal pronominal indexes is shown. Finally, genetic and areal implications of this description are discussed.
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Cited by (5)
Cited by five other publications
Belén Carpio, María
2018. Variación paradigmática en los pronombres libres de primera persona no-singular en lenguas de la familia guaycurú. LIAMES: Línguas Indígenas Americanas 18:1 ► pp. 45 ff.
Mendoza, Marcela
2018. Toba (Guaicuruan) hunter-gatherers in the Bolivian Chaco. Hunter Gatherer Research 4:1 ► pp. 51 ff.
Mendoza, Marcela
2019. The Bolivian Toba (Guaicuruan) Expansion in Northern Gran Chaco, 1550–1850. Ethnohistory 66:2 ► pp. 275 ff.
Moravcsik, Edith A.
2017. Number. In The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Typology, ► pp. 440 ff.
González, Raúl Eduardo
2016. Codificación de las categorías de “grupo” y “grupo restringido” en toba del este de Formosa (Argentina). LIAMES: Línguas Indígenas Americanas 16:2 ► pp. 221 ff.
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