Book review
Richard A. Hudson. Arguments for a Non-transformational Grammar. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1976. x, 214 pp.
References (11)
Bresnan, J. (1976). Toward a Realistic Model of Transformational Grammar. mimeo. M.I.T.
Chafe, W. L. (1968). ‘Tdiornaticity as an anomaly in the Chomsky an paradigm’. Foundations of Language, 41.
Chomsky, N. (1966). ‘Topics in the Theory of Generative Grammar’. In Current Trends in Linguistics, vol. 31, The Hague: Mouton.
Harman, G. (1963). ‘Generative Grammars without Transformation Rules’. Language, 391.
Hudson, R. (1976). ‘Lexical Insertion in a Transformational Grammar’. Foundations of Language, 141.
Hudson, R. (1979a). Lexicalism in DDG. Working Paper No. 1. mimeo. London: University College.
Hudson, R. (1979b). An example. Working Paper No. 2. mimeo. London: University College.
Hudson, R. (1979c). Pan-lexicalism. Working Paper No. 3. mimeo. London: University College.
Jackendoff, R. S. (1972). Semantic Interpretation in Generative Grammar. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press.
Mallinson, G. (1979). ‘On the over-pruning of trees’. To appear in Glossa.
Ross, J. R. (1969). ‘A proposed rule of tree-pruning’. In Reibel, D. and Schane, S. (eds), Modern Studies in English. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.