Article published In:
Studies in Language
Vol. 4:3 (1980) ► pp.333377
Cited by (146)

Cited by 146 other publications

Cai, Yingying & Hendrik De Smet
2024. In alternations, not all semantic motivation comes from semantic contrast. Linguistics Vanguard 10:s1  pp. 53 ff. DOI logo
Copin, Mireille, Cyrille Granget, Inès Saddour, F. Neveu, S. Prévost, A. Montébran, A. Steuckardt, G. Bergounioux, G. Merminod & G. Philippe
2024. Étude des verbes de collision instrumentée en français L1 et L2 : apport du clustering. SHS Web of Conferences 191  pp. 10003 ff. DOI logo
He, Yuyin
2024. Finiteness in Mandarin clausal complements: the role of ICH and future modals. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 33:2  pp. 259 ff. DOI logo
Liu, Na & Fuyin Thomas Li
2024. Event integration as a driving force of language change: evidence from Chinese 使-shǐ-make. Language and Cognition 16:2  pp. 307 ff. DOI logo
Partridge, Maristi
2024. Investigating the complementiser that in the verb complementation of Black South African English. In Constraints on Language Variation and Change in Complex Multilingual Contact Settings [Contact Language Library, 60],  pp. 87 ff. DOI logo
Wiemer, Björn
2024. Clause-Initial Connectives, Bound and Unbound: Indicators of Mood, of Subordination, or of Something More Fundamental?. Slavia Meridionalis 23 DOI logo
2023. When English complement clauses meet evidential adverbs. English Language and Linguistics 27:4  pp. 749 ff. DOI logo
Long, Haiping & Chuanlin Deng
Ojanguren López, Ana Elvira
2023. Old English perspectives on the complement shift. Journal of Historical Linguistics DOI logo
Ponsford, Dan
2023. Meaning differences between the inputs to syntactic blends. Linguistics 61:3  pp. 593 ff. DOI logo
Bikina, Daria, Denis Rakhman, Vsevolod Potseluev, Aleksey Starchenko & Svetlana Toldova
2022. Non-finite constructions in Khanty: their unity and diversity. Folia Linguistica 56:3  pp. 625 ff. DOI logo
Colonna, Saveria, Brenda Laca, Leticia López & Eduardo Correa Soares
2022. When the present lies in the past: [Present under Past] in subjunctive clauses in Uruguayan Spanish. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 7:1 DOI logo
Huang, C.-T. James
2022. Finiteness, opacity, and Chinese clausal architecture. In New Explorations in Chinese Theoretical Syntax [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 272],  pp. 17 ff. DOI logo
Long, Haiping, Xianhui Wang & Lei Wang
2022. Formation of Modern Chinese speech-quotativenǐ shuō‘you say’ and feedback-seekingnǐ shuō‘you tell me’. Language and Linguistics. 語言暨語言學 23:4  pp. 743 ff. DOI logo
Molnár, Krisztina & Tímea Berényi-Nagy
2022. Zum Ertrag der sprachtypologisch-kontrastiven Sprachbeschreibung für den DaF-/DaFnE-Unterricht am Beispiel der Infinitivkonstruktionen. In Wissenschaften und ihr Dialog,  pp. 273 ff. DOI logo
Park, Sunyoung
2022. Typological Analysis of Articles in World Languages. Journal of Universal Language 23:1  pp. 109 ff. DOI logo
Putnam, Michael T. & Åshild Søfteland
2022. Mismatches at the syntax-semantics interface: The case of non-finite complementation in American Norwegian. Nordic Journal of Linguistics 45:3  pp. 310 ff. DOI logo
Sarda, Laure & Benjamin Fagard
2022. Introduction: The description of motion events. In Neglected Aspects of Motion Events Description [Human Cognitive Processing, 72],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Shagal, Ksenia, Pavel Rudnev & Anna Volkova
2022. Multifunctionality and syncretism in non-finite forms: an introduction. Folia Linguistica 56:3  pp. 529 ff. DOI logo
Забелина, Елизавета Александровна
2022. DISTRIBUTION OF COMPLEMENTIZERS IN THE URMI VARIETIES OF URMIYA. Tomsk Journal of Linguistics and Anthropology :2(36)  pp. 22 ff. DOI logo
Rudzka-Ostyn, Brygida
2021. Review of W. NEY (1981): Semantic Structures for the Syntax of Complements and Auxiliaries in English. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics  pp. 94 ff. DOI logo
Uljas, Sami
2021. Iconicity and Semantic-Structural Mapping in Earlier Egyptian Complementation. Lingua Aegyptia - Journal of Egyptian Language Studies :29  pp. 215 ff. DOI logo
Arkadiev, Peter M.
2020. (Non)finiteness, constructions and participles in Lithuanian. Linguistics 58:2  pp. 379 ff. DOI logo
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2020. The Biblical Hebrew infinitive. Brill’s Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics 12:1  pp. 119 ff. DOI logo
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2020. Ascribing practical knowledge. Linguistics and Philosophy 43:3  pp. 247 ff. DOI logo
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2019. World Lexicon of Grammaticalization, DOI logo
Lorenz, Johanna
2019. Complement clauses in Caucasian Urum. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 72:2  pp. 255 ff. DOI logo
Mueller, Charles M. & Yasuhiro Tsushima
2019. Effectiveness of force dynamic explanations of English causative verbs and the role of imagery. Cognitive Linguistics 30:3  pp. 439 ff. DOI logo
Prince, Kilu von & Anna Margetts
2019. Expressing possibility in two Oceanic languages. Studies in Language 43:3  pp. 628 ff. DOI logo
Duffley, Patrick J.
2018.  Talk into vs convince to . In Changing Structures [Studies in Language Companion Series, 195],  pp. 15 ff. DOI logo
Gonzálvez-García, Francisco
2018. Taming iconicity in the Spanish and Italian translations of Shakespeare’sSonnets. English Text Construction 11:1  pp. 105 ff. DOI logo
Lǐ, Yuèyuán & Dan Ponsford
2018. Predicative reduplication: Functions, their relationships and iconicities. Linguistic Typology 22:1  pp. 51 ff. DOI logo
Shank, Christopher & Koen Plevoets
2018. Investigating the impact of structural factors upon that/zero complementizer alternation patterns in verbs of cognition: a diachronic corpus-based multifactorial analysis. Research in Corpus Linguistics  pp. 83 ff. DOI logo
Bohnemeyer, Jürgen & Robert D. Van Valin
2017. The macro-event property and the layered structure of the clause. Studies in Language 41:1  pp. 142 ff. DOI logo
CAMACHO, Roberto Gomes
2017. Alinhamento e estratégias de relativização. DELTA: Documentação de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada 33:1  pp. 243 ff. DOI logo
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2017. La multifonctionnalité des conjonctions bó et bɔ̀ en fon. Linguistique et langues africaines :3  pp. 5584 ff. DOI logo
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2017. Grammaticalité et changement d’acceptabilité : le cas de help. Anglophonia 23 DOI logo
Schmidtke-Bode, Karsten & Holger Diessel
2017. Cross-linguistic patterns in the structure, function, and position of (object) complement clauses. Linguistics 55:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
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2020. The Infinitive or the Gerund? Cognitive Linguistics in Teaching English Post-verbal Complementation. In Foreign Language Pedagogy in the Light of Cognitive Linguistics Research [Second Language Learning and Teaching, ],  pp. 51 ff. DOI logo
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2016. The many faces of adverbial margins. Chinese Language and Discourse. An International and Interdisciplinary Journal 7:1  pp. 23 ff. DOI logo
Polo Arrondo, Jesús F.
2016. Substitution Clauses in Ancient Greek. Glotta 92:1  pp. 210 ff. DOI logo
Shank, Christopher, Julie Van Bogaert & Koen Plevoets
2016. The diachronic development of zero complementation: A multifactorial analysis of the that/zero alternation with think, suppose, and believe. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 12:1 DOI logo
Shank, Christopher, Koen Plevoets & Julie Van Bogaert
2016. A multifactorial analysis of that/zero alternation. In Corpus-based Approaches to Construction Grammar [Constructional Approaches to Language, 19],  pp. 201 ff. DOI logo
Torrego, M. Esperanza
2016. Variantes de complémentation : infinitif complétif / proposition complétive à conjonction après les verbes de manipulation. Pallas :102  pp. 47 ff. DOI logo
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2016. Verbos y argumentos: las combinaciones sintáctico-semánticas del verbo latino <em>cogo</em>. Emerita 84:2  pp. 291 ff. DOI logo
2016. An Analysis of the Clausal Complement of English Verbs Used in High School English Textbooks. The New Korean Journal of English Lnaguage & Literature 58:4  pp. 211 ff. DOI logo
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2015. Minor Complementation Patterns in Post-classical Greek (I–VI AD): A Socio-historical Analysis of a Corpus of Documentary Papyri. Symbolae Osloenses 89:1  pp. 104 ff. DOI logo
Bentein, Klaas
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Cuyckens, Hubert & Frauke D’hoedt
2015. Variability in Clausal Verb Complementation: the Case of Admit. In Perspectives on Complementation,  pp. 77 ff. DOI logo
De Smet, Hendrik
2015. Participle clauses between adverbial and complement. <i>WORD</i> 61:1  pp. 39 ff. DOI logo
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Benedikt Szmrecsanyi
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