Book review
C. N. Fyle & E. D. Jones (eds.). A Krio-English Dictionary. Oxford University Press/Sierra Leone University Press, 1980. li, 418 pp.
References (17)
Alleyne, M. C. (1980). Comparative Afro-American, Karoma Publishers Inc., Ann Arbor.
Berry, J. 1961. “English loanwords and adaptations in Sierra Leone Krio,” Creole Language Studies II1: 1–16.
Berry, J. 1971. “Pidgins and Creoles in Africa,” in T. A. Sebeok (ed.) Current Trends in Linguistics, vol 71, Mouton, The Hague/Paris.
Bickerton, D. 1975. “Creolization, Linguistic Universals, Natural Semantax and the Brain,” paper read at the Hawaii Conference on Pidgins and Creoles.
Coomber, M. E. A. 1969. A Descriptive Study of Krio Phonology, unpublished M. Sc thesis, Georgetown University.
Faine, J. 1974. Dictionnaire français-créole, Editions Lemèac. (Revised and edited under the supervision of G. Lefebvre.)
Hall, R. A., Jr. 1966. Pidgin and Creole Languages, Cornell University Press, Ithaca.
Manessy, G. 1979. “Pidginisation, creolisation, evolution des langues,” Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika 11: 55–74.
Nylander, D. K. (1978). “Etude phonologique du krio,” unpublished paper, Universite de Grenoble III.
Nylander, D. K. (1979). “Aspects of Krio Tonology and their Implications for Lexicography,” paper read at the annual meeting of the New York State Council on Linguistics (NYSCOL), SUNY, Buffalo, November, 1979.
Nylander, D. K. (1981). “Serial and Pseudoserial verb constructions in Krio,” Montreal Working Papers in Linguistics 171: 101–118.
Nylander, D. K. forthcoming-a. “Review of M. C. Alleyne’s Comparative Afro-American
Nylander, D. K. forthcoming-b. Etude descriptive du krio (langue créole de la Sierra-Léone): phonologie et syntaxe, thèse de doctorat de troisième cycle to be presented at the Université de Grenoble III by September, 1982, at the latest.
Pompilus, P. 1973. Contribution à l’étude comparée du créole et du français à partir du créole haitien, Editions Caraibes.
Trudgill, P. 1974. Sociolinguistics: an Introduction, Penguin Books, Middlesex.
Valdman, A. 1971. “Review of d’Ans (1968),” IJAL 371: 202–208.
Williams, W. R. (1976). Linguistic Change in The Syntax and Semantics of Sierra Leone Krio, unpublished Ph.D thesis, Indiana University.
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