Leitmotifs in Natural Morphology
Natural Morphology is the term the four authors of this monograph agreed on to cover the leitmotifs of their common and individual approaches in questions of theoretical morphology. The introduction summarizes the basic concepts and strategies of Natural Morphology, to be followed by Mayerthaler who deals with universal properties of inflectional morphology, and Wurzel with typological ones which depend on language specific properties of inflectional systems, and Dressler with universal and typological properties of word formation. The final chapter by Panagl is an indepth study of diachronic evidence for productivity in word formation and for the overlap of word formation with inflectional morphology.
[Studies in Language Companion Series, 10] 1987. ix, 168 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 19 July 2011
Published online on 19 July 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
A. Introduction
I. Introduction | p. 3
1. What is naturalness?
2. Inflection and word formation
3. Towards a theory of morphological naturalness
4. The structure of a theory of naturalness
5. Evidence for naturalness
6. The semiotic framework of natural morphology
7. Divergences and convergences among proponents of natural approaches to morphology
B. Naturalness in Inflection
I. System-independent morphological naturalnessWilli Mayerthaler | p. 25
0. Introduction
1. Universal grammar and markedness
2. Preference theories
3. Some other prerequisites of theoretical morphology
4. Principles of morphological markedness theory
5. What is a ‘theory’?
6. Appendix on attractors in catastrophe theory
II. System-dependent morphological naturalness in inflectionWolfgang Ullrich Wurzel | p. 59
0. Naturalness, morphology and language system
1. System-dependent naturalness I: System-congruity
2. System-dependent naturalness II: Stability of inflectional classes
3. System-congruity and class-stability: Productivity in inflectional morphology
4. Naturalness principles of inflectional morphology
C. Naturalness in Word Formation
I. Word formation as part of natural morphologyWolfgang U. Dressler | p. 99
1. Introduction
2. Iconicity in word formation
3. Indexicality in word formation
4. The scale of (bi)uniqueness in word formation
5. Signans shapes adequate for motivation in word formation
6. Typological adequacy of word formation rules
7. System adequacy (congruity) of word formation rules
8. Inflection vs. derivation again
II. Productivity and diachronic change in morphologyOswald Panagl | p. 127
0. Introduction
1. Interpretations of productivity
2. Vedic root-nouns and Ancient Greek diminutives
3. Semantic predictability (transparency)
4. Transition from word formation into inflection
5. Hierarchy of productivity in types of word formation
6. Conclusion on productivity in corpus languages: The Latine Supine in -(t)um — a Case Study of Categorial Change
7. From derivational to inflectional morphology
8. Reasons for loss of productivity
9. Indo-European cognates
Abbreviations | p. 153
Subject index | p. 165
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