Chapter 5. Number in Kambaata
The Cushitic language Kambaata (South Ethiopia) is a head-final and suffixing language with a rich nominal and verbal morphology. Number is marked on nouns and pronouns, and traces of number agreement are found on modifiers and verbs. This chapter concentrates on number marking on common nouns, thereby focusing on the interaction of number marking with lexical semantics. It demonstrates that in this language, number is a category between inflection and derivation.
References (11)
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Cited by (3)
Cited by three other publications
Patricia Cabredo Hofherr & Jenny Doetjes
The Oxford Handbook of Grammatical Number,

Kramer, Ruth & Anbessa Teferra
Gender switch in Sidaama.
Brill’s Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics 12:2
► pp. 286 ff.

H. Ekkehard Wolff
The Cambridge Handbook of African Linguistics,

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