Chapter 1. Contribution of valency to the analysis of language
Jarmila Panevová | Charles University, Prague Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
The main criteria used for the valency of verbs in the framework of Functional Generative Description (FGD) are introduced, leading to the recognition of three classes of verbal modifications : inner participants (IPs), obligatory free modifications (FMs), and quasivalency modifiers (QMs). The sources of surface deletions of valency modifications are presented. For an analysis of noun valency, word formation is taken into consideration. The criteria proposed for the valency of verbs are applied in order to determine the valency of deverbal nouns. Conversion of the verbal valency frame into the valency frame of the noun is accompanied by formal changes in the morphemic form of inner participants. The behavior of specific noun modifiers is studied with regard to their position in the corresponding valency frame (VF).
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