Source-Location ambiguity and incipient decline in the recent evolution of the English directional particle away
This chapter reports on a corpus-based investigation of the evolution of spatial away over the Modern English period in the light of recent work on the expression of motion events. Three observations are made: firstly, a directional-locative polysemy develops, secondly productivity seems to stagnate, and thirdly, for a range of verbs, directional V-away seems to be being gradually replaced by V-off. The likely mechanisms behind these changes are discussed, and it is suggested that away may be an atypical directional particle in decline, possibly in the context of a reorganization or regularization of English directional particles.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.
Away in present-day English
- 3.The corpus and the data on away
- 4.Recent evolution of away
- 4.1Origins and trends
- 4.2The development of locative away
- 5.Potential decline of directional away
- 5.1Idiomatization / lexicalization of V-away
- 5.2Decline of V-away and autonomous away
- 5.3
Away and off
- 6.Possible motivations for an away > off shift
- 7.Conclusion