Loss of object indexation in verbal paradigms of Koĩc (Tibeto-Burman, Nepal)
Loss of object indexation in verbal paradigms of Koĩc (Tibeto-Burman, Nepal)
Koĩc ([kɔĩts]; English: Sunwar) is a Kiranti language spoken in eastern Nepal. In the past, Koĩc had a biactantial indexing system with transitive verbs indexing subjects and objects, a typical feature of Kiranti languages. In modern Koĩc, transitive verbs are not indexed for object. A comparison shows connections in form and function between old and new argument indexes. Now Koĩc has a system of different conjugations, and for the majority of verbs membership in a conjugation is lexically fixed.
Most speakers of Koĩc are bilingual with Nepali (Indo-Iranian), and the longstanding Nepali influence will be discussed as one possible cause of language change.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 1.1Overview
- 1.2Koĩc, a Kiranti language
- 1.3The sociolinguistic situation
- 1.4Literature about Koĩc person and number indexes
- 2.Person and number indexes in Koĩc
- 2.1Biactantial indexing
- 2.2Subject and object indexes (Genetti 1988)
- 2.3Subject indexing in modern Koĩc (Borchers 2008a)
- 2.4The former and the current system of indexing arguments
- 3.Person and number indexes - Additional data
- 3.1
Konow (1909), Bieri & Schulze (1973) and Rapacha (2005)
- 3.2Linguistic Survey of India (Konow 1909)
- 3.3Subject and object indexes (Bieri & Schulze 1973)
- 3.4Subject indexing in modern Koĩc (Rapacha 2005)
- 3.5More data – Better explanations?
- 4.Loss of morphology – Language change
- 5.Summary
- Abbreviations
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