Chapter 7
Vietnamese expletive between grammatical subject and subjectivity
Nó at the syntax-pragmatics (discourse)
In this paper, we undertake a systematic
investigation of the peculiar behavior of the optional expletive
subject pronoun nó
in spoken Vietnamese. The first part of our study consists of
an in-depth examination of its syntactic and semantic properties in
comparison to those of its referential counterpart. From this
overview, it appears that the distribution of nó
is jointly determined by syntactic and discourse factors. We
then critically appraise the recent analysis by Greco
et al. (2018a, b),
according to which nó
imposes a specificity requirement on sentences containing it.
We suggest to reinterpret this requirement as a corollary of the
assessment by the speaker of a given state of affairs against her
epistemic background. Pursuing the line of argumentation developed
in Dao (2014) and
integrating insights from Speas-Tenny’s syntactic approach to
Evidentiality (Speas & Tenny
2003; Speas
2004; Tenny
2006), we argue that nó
is best treated as an ego-evidential marker. We further show
that nó
does not intrinsically encode evidentiality but acquires its
evidential import via syntactic processes.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The syntax and semantics of nó
- 2.1Referential nó
- 2.2Expletive nó
- 3.Greco et al.’s (2018a, b) analysis of nó
- 3.1On the position of nó
- 3.2On the interpretation of nó
- 4.
, subjectivity, evidentiality
- 4.1
Dao’s (2014) analysis
of nó
- 4.2
as evidential marker
- 4.2.1Ego-evidentiality, egophoricity
- 4.2.2
at the syntax-pragmatics interface
- 5.Conclusion
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Cited by one other publication
Booth, Hannah & Kim A. Groothuis
Discourse-related expletives: Challenges and opportunities.
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