The Grammar of Possession

Inalienability, incorporation and possessor ascension in Guaraní

| University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
ISBN 9789027230362 (Eur) | EUR 119.00
ISBN 9781556198441 (USA) | USD 179.00
ISBN 9789027281982 | EUR 119.00 | USD 179.00
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The Grammar of Possession: Inalienability, incorporation and possessor ascension in Guaraní, is an exhaustive study of linguistic structures in Paraguayan Guaraní which are directly or indirectly associated with the semantic domain of inalienability. Constructions analyzed in the book include adnominal and predicative possessive constructions, noun incorporation, and possessor ascension. Examples are drawn from a rich data base that incorporate native speaker intuitions and resources in the construction of illustrative linguistic forms as well as the analysis of the communicative use of the forms under study. The book provides a complete picture of inalienability as a coherent integrated system of grammatical and semantic oppositions in a language that has received little attention in the theoretical linguistic literature.
The analysis moves from general principles to specific details of the language while applying principles of Cognitive Grammar and Functional Linguistics. There is an explicit aim to uncover the particularities of form-meaning connections, as well as the communicative and discourse functions of the structures examined. Other approaches are also considered when appropriate, resulting in a theoretically informed study that contains a rich variety of considerations.
[Studies in Language Companion Series, 33] 1996.  xvi, 274 pp.
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Table of Contents
“The study is an important and very welcome addition to the literature on possession, both by the data on Guaraní and by its many intelligent and important reflexions on inalienability in general. An not the least by its anchoring of grammatical structures in discourse, which, after all, provides their raison d’être.”
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CF: Linguistics

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LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General
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U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  96047129 | Marc record