Tense-Aspect, Transitivity and Causativity
Essays in honour of Vladimir Nedjalkov
This collection presents typological work on tense, aspect, and epistemic modality in a variety of languages and against the background of different schools of thinking, among which the St. Petersburg Typological School developed and so masterfully implemented by the Petersburg linguist, Vladimir Petrovich Nedjalkov. The volume honors this reputed scholar for his life work. It is in mainly this spirit (and the EUROTYPE spirit) that the following scholars have contributed to the volume: T. Tsunoda on Warrungu (Australian indigeneous language), L. Kulikov on Vedic, K. Kiryu on Japanese, Korean and Newari, N. Sumbatova on Svan (from the Kartvelian group), T.Bulygina & A. Shmelev on Russian, W. Boeder on Georgian, R. Thieroff on aorist and imperfect in European languages, Y. Poupynin on Russian, L. Johanson on Kipchak Turkic, I. Dolinina on Russian, N. Kozintseva on Old and Modern Eastern Armenian, Ch. Lee on Korean, W. Abraham on split ergative languages and German, G. Silnitsky on Russian, V. Plungian on Russian, E. Rakhilina on Russian, and K. Ebert on Kalmyk.
[Studies in Language Companion Series, 50] 1999. xxxiv, 359 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 21 October 2008
Published online on 21 October 2008
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Addresses | p. ix
Introduction | p. xi
Vladimir Nedjalkov: List of main publications | p. xix
Part 1: Transitivity, causativity and tense-aspect: interdependencies
Aspect and transitivity of iterative constructions in WarrunguTasaku Tsunoda | p. 3
Split causativity: remarks on correlations between transitivity, aspect, and tenseLeonid Kulikov | p. 21
Conceptualization and aspect in some Asian languagesKazuyuki Kiryu | p. 43
Evidentiality, transitivity and split ergativity: evidence from SvanNina R. Sumbatova | p. 63
On the semantics of some Russian causative constructions: aspect, control, and types of causationTatiana V. Bulygina and Alexei D. Shmelev | p. 97
Part 2: The trade-off between aspect and tense as typological parameters
Some notes on the Georgian resultativeWinfried Boeder | p. 117
Preterites and imperfects in the languages of EuropeRolf Thieroff | p. 141
The qualitative meaning of Russian imperfective verbs in passive constructionsYouri Poupynin | p. 163
Typological notes on aspect and actionality in Kipchak TurkicLars Johanson | p. 171
Distributivity: more than aspectInga B. Dolinina | p. 185
The past perfect in ArmenianNatalia A. Kozintseva | p. 207
Aspects of aspect in Korean psych-predicates: implications for psych-predicates in generalChungmin Lee | p. 223
Part 3: Events and their componentiality
How descending is ascending German? On the deep interrelations between tense, aspect, pronominality, and ergativityWerner Abraham | p. 253
Verbal temporalization in Russian and EnglishGeorgij Silnitsky | p. 293
A typology of phasal meaningsVladimir A. Plungian | p. 311
Degrees of focality in Kalmyk imperfectivesKaren H. Ebert | p. 323
Aspectual classification of nouns: a case study of RussianEkaterina V. Rakhilina | p. 341
Subject Index | p. 351
“This book is important for the many interdependencies it reveals between TAM categories cross-linguistically, and for extending enquiry regarding this important topic into new geographic and typological territory.”
Edward J. Vajda, Western Washington University in Canadian Journal of Linguistics 48(1/2), 2003
Cited by (5)
Cited by five other publications
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Ono, Tsuyoshi, Ritva Laury & Ryoko Suzuki
Ono, Tsuyoshi, Ritva Laury & Ryoko Suzuki
2021. On the notion of unit in the study of human languages. In Usage-based and Typological Approaches to Linguistic Units [Benjamins Current Topics, 114], ► pp. 1 ff. 
Ayoun, Dalila, Agnès Celle & Laure Lansari
2018. Introduction. In
Tense, Aspect, Modality and Evidentiality [Studies in Language Companion Series, 197], ► pp. 1 ff. 
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 29 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General