Part of
Circum-Baltic Languages: Volume 2: Grammar and Typology
Edited by Östen Dahl and Maria Koptjevskaja-Tamm
[Studies in Language Companion Series 55] 2001
► pp. 615750
Cited by (43)

Cited by 43 other publications

Chaika, Lesia, Natalia Lehka, Anne Tamm & Natalia Vaiss
2024. Ukrainian Aspect and Object Case in ukTenTen The Partitive Genitive of Perfective Verbs and Mass Nouns . In Partitive Constructions and Partitive Elements Within and Across Language Borders in Europe , DOI logo
Zakaria, Muhammad
2024. Evidence of a contact-induced change. Asian Languages and Linguistics 5:1  pp. 132 ff. DOI logo
Acquaviva, Paolo & Laure Gardelle
2023. Pluralia tantumandsingularia tantum. In The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Bucci, Giacomo
2023. The Contribution of Germanic to the Expansion of Partitive‐Related Phenomena in the Prehistoric Circum‐Baltic Area1. Transactions of the Philological Society 121:3  pp. 427 ff. DOI logo
Goll, Sabrina, Steffen Höder, Sarah Paetzke & Nina Sternitzke
2023. Nordisk-nordtysk kontakt i backspegeln. Nordlyd 47:2  pp. 91 ff. DOI logo
Meyer, Robin
2023. Iranian Syntax in Classical Armenian, DOI logo
Ter-Avanesova, Alexandra & Michael Daniel
2023. The second genitive in the history of Russian and across its dialects. Linguistic Variation 23:1  pp. 28 ff. DOI logo
Norvik, Miina, Yingqi Jing, Michael Dunn, Robert Forkel, Terhi Honkola, Gerson Klumpp, Richard Kowalik, Helle Metslang, Karl Pajusalu, Minerva Piha, Eva Saar, Sirkka Saarinen & Outi Vesakoski
2022. Uralic typology in the light of a new comprehensive dataset. Journal of Uralic Linguistics 1:1  pp. 4 ff. DOI logo
Giudici, Alberto & Chiara Zanini
2021. A plural indefinite quantifier on the Romance-Slavic border. Word Structure 14:2  pp. 195 ff. DOI logo
Di Garbo, Francesca
2020. Plural marking on noun-associated forms. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 73:3  pp. 363 ff. DOI logo
Fernandez-Vest, M.M. Jocelyne
2020. Chapter 12. French tense challenged by Finnish aspects. In The Expression of Tense, Aspect, Modality and Evidentiality in Albert Camus’sL'Étrangerand Its Translations /L'Étrangerde Camus et ses traductions : questions de temps, d'aspect, de modalité et d'évidentialité (TAME) [Lingvisticæ Investigationes Supplementa, 35],  pp. 222 ff. DOI logo
Liljegren, Henrik
2020. The Hindu Kush–Karakorum and linguistic areality. Journal of South Asian Languages and Linguistics 7:2  pp. 239 ff. DOI logo
Luraghi, Silvia, Merlijn De Smit & Iván Igartua
2020. Contact-induced change in the languages of Europe: The rise and development of partitive cases and determiners in Finnic and Basque. Linguistics 58:3  pp. 869 ff. DOI logo
Drinka, Bridget
2019. Chapter 16. Perfecting the notion of Sprachbund. In Historical Linguistics 2015 [Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 348],  pp. 320 ff. DOI logo
Igartua, Iván
2019. Loss of grammatical gender and language contact. Diachronica 36:2  pp. 181 ff. DOI logo
Panov, Vladimir
2019. Juk and gi, and “particles” in contemporary Lithuanian: Explaining language-particular elements in a cross-linguistic context. Kalbotyra 72  pp. 58 ff. DOI logo
Urban, Matthias, Hugo Reyes-Centeno, Kate Bellamy & Matthias Pache
2019. The areal typology of western Middle and South America: Towards a comprehensive view. Linguistics 57:6  pp. 1403 ff. DOI logo
Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald
2018. The Oxford Handbook of Evidentiality, DOI logo
Lindström, Liina & Kristel Uiboaed
2017. Syntactic variation in ‘need’-constructions in Estonian dialects. Nordic Journal of Linguistics 40:3  pp. 313 ff. DOI logo
Metslang, Helle, Külli Habicht & Karl Pajusalu
2017. Where do polar question markers come from?. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 70:3  pp. 489 ff. DOI logo
Usonienė, Aurelija & Jolanta Šinkūnienė
2017. Potential vs Use. In Evidentiality Revisited [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 271],  pp. 171 ff. DOI logo
van der Auwera, Johan & Daniël Van Olmen
2017. The Germanic Languages and Areal Linguistics. In The Cambridge Handbook of Areal Linguistics,  pp. 239 ff. DOI logo
Viti, Carlotta
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Miestamo, Matti, Dik Bakker & Antti Arppe
2016. Sampling for variety. Linguistic Typology 20:2  pp. 233 ff. DOI logo
Wiemer, Björn & Vaiva Žeimantienė
Metslang, Helle, Karl Pajusalu & Tiit-Rein Viitso
2015. Negation in Livonian. In Negation in Uralic Languages [Typological Studies in Language, 108],  pp. 433 ff. DOI logo
Holvoet, Axel & Nicole Nau
2014. Argument marking and grammatical relations in Baltic. In Grammatical Relations and their Non-Canonical Encoding in Baltic [Valency, Argument Realization and Grammatical Relations in Baltic, 1],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Seržant, Ilja A.
2014. The independent partitive genitive in Lithuanian. In Grammatical Relations and their Non-Canonical Encoding in Baltic [Valency, Argument Realization and Grammatical Relations in Baltic, 1],  pp. 257 ff. DOI logo
Seržant, Ilja A.
2015. Categorization and semantics of subject-like obliques. In Subjects in Constructions – Canonical and Non-Canonical [Constructional Approaches to Language, 16],  pp. 175 ff. DOI logo
Seržant, Ilja A.
2021. Typology of partitives. Linguistics 59:4  pp. 881 ff. DOI logo
Grashchenkova, Anna & Pavel Grashchenkov
Heine, Bernd & Tania Kuteva
2005. Language Contact and Grammatical Change, DOI logo
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2004. Baltoslavisch. I. Teil: Phonologie. Kratylos 49:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Croft, William
2001. Heads, Arguments, and Adjuncts. In Radical Construction Grammar,  pp. 241 ff. DOI logo
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2001. Preface. In Radical Construction Grammar,  pp. xiii ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2001. Tables. In Radical Construction Grammar,  pp. xxii ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2001. Copyright Page. In Radical Construction Grammar,  pp. ii ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2001. to a lost home. In Radical Construction Grammar,  pp. v ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2001. Figures. In Radical Construction Grammar,  pp. xix ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2001. Abbreviations. In Radical Construction Grammar,  pp. xxiv ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2001. Endorsement. In Radical Construction Grammar,  pp. iii ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2001. Symbols. In Radical Construction Grammar,  pp. xxviii ff. DOI logo

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