Part of
Linguistic Diversity and Language Theories
Edited by Zygmunt Frajzyngier, Adam Hodges and David S. Rood
[Studies in Language Companion Series 72] 2005
► pp. 2549
Cited by (60)

Cited by 60 other publications

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2024. Preferences in the use of overabundance: predictors of lexical bias in Estonian. Cognitive Linguistics 35:2  pp. 289 ff. DOI logo
Browne, Mitchell
2024. A Grammar of Warlmanpa, DOI logo
2024.  Borja Herce, The typological diversity of morphomes: A cross-linguistic study of unnatural morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023. Pp. x + 303.. Journal of Linguistics 60:2  pp. 469 ff. DOI logo
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2023. Uncertainty in the production of Czech noun and verb forms. Word Structure 16:2-3  pp. 258 ff. DOI logo
Pellegrini, Matteo
2023. The Theoretical Framework. In Paradigm Structure and Predictability in Latin Inflection [Studies in Morphology, 6],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Pellegrini, Matteo
2023. Flexemes in theory and in practice. Morphology 33:3  pp. 361 ff. DOI logo
Round, Erich R.
2023. Canonical phonology and criterial conflicts: relating and resolving four dilemmas of phonological typology. Linguistic Typology 27:2  pp. 267 ff. DOI logo
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2022. Derivation predicting inflection. Studies in Language 46:4  pp. 753 ff. DOI logo
Konoshenko, Maria
2022. Tones and paradigms: a study of grammatical tones in Mande verbal inflection. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 43:2  pp. 165 ff. DOI logo
Masini, Francesca & Simone Mattiola
2022. Syntactic discontinuous reduplication with antonymic pairs: a case study from Italian. Linguistics 60:1  pp. 315 ff. DOI logo
Nkollo, Mikołaj
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Roncero, Kristian
2022. A very unpredictable ‘person’: A corpus-based approach to suppletion in West Polesian. Russian Journal of Linguistics 26:1  pp. 116 ff. DOI logo
Andrason, Alexander & Michael Karani
2021. Conative calls to animals: From Arusa Maasai to a cross-linguistic prototype. Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 17:1-2  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
Andrason, Alexander & Mawande Dlali
2020. The (crucial yet neglected) category of interjections in Xhosa. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 73:2  pp. 159 ff. DOI logo
Arkadiev, Peter
2020. Non-canonical inverse in Circassian languages. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 73:1  pp. 81 ff. DOI logo
Bond, Oliver, Helen Sims‐Williams & Matthew Baerman
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Herce, Borja
2020. On morphemes and morphomes: exploring the distinction. Word Structure 13:1  pp. 45 ff. DOI logo
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Hasse, Anja
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2019. Towards a typology of spatial deictic expressions . STUF - Language Typology and Universals 72:3  pp. 335 ff. DOI logo
Pellegrini, Matteo & Davide Ricca
2019. An instance of productive overabundance: The plural of some Italian VN compounds. Word Structure 12:1  pp. 94 ff. DOI logo
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Stolz, Thomas & Nataliya Levkovych
2019. Absence of material exponence. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 72:3  pp. 373 ff. DOI logo
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2018. Egophoricity. In Egophoricity [Typological Studies in Language, 118],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Anderson, Stephen R.
2017. ‘Defaults’ and morphological structure. In Defaults in Morphological Theory,  pp. 269 ff. DOI logo
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2017. The Oxford Handbook of Polysynthesis, DOI logo
Hippisley, Andrew
2017. Default inheritance and the canonical. In Defaults in Morphological Theory,  pp. 94 ff. DOI logo
Hippisley, Andrew
2023. Suppletion. In The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Næss, Åshild
2017. Beyond roots and affixes. Studies in Language 41:4  pp. 914 ff. DOI logo
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2017. Spatial interrogatives. In Space in Diachrony [Studies in Language Companion Series, 188],  pp. 207 ff. DOI logo
Stump, Gregory
2017. The Nature and Dimensions of Complexity in Morphology. Annual Review of Linguistics 3:1  pp. 65 ff. DOI logo
Stump, Gregory
2019. An Apparently Noncanonical Pattern of Morphotactic Competition. In Competition in Inflection and Word-Formation [Studies in Morphology, 5],  pp. 259 ff. DOI logo
Hippisley, Andrew & Gregory Stump
2016. Introduction. In The Cambridge Handbook of Morphology,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
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2014. Morphosyntactic property sets at the interface of inflectional morphology, syntax and semantics. Lingvisticae Investigationes 37:2  pp. 290 ff. DOI logo
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2008. Gender assignment and gender agreement: Evidence from pronominal gender languages. Morphology 18:2  pp. 93 ff. DOI logo

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