Variation in phrasal rhythm in sign languages
Introducing “rhythm ratio”
In this paper. we offer a preliminary investigation of some aspects of individual and group variation in sign rate and rhythm,
considering the sociolinguistic factors of Age (younger and older adults), Gender, and Sign Variety (Black and Mainstream American
Sign Language). Differences in sign rate and rhythmic structure among signers were found in signers’ elicited narratives. A novel
approach to phrasal rhythm is introduced, called “rhythm ratio”, which considers sign duration and transition duration together
and is similar in spirit to the “normalized pairwise variability index” (nPVI) in spoken languages. This measure appears to be
promising as a method for identifying rhythm class in sign languages; however, due to the small number of signers in each group
these results can only be suggestive.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 1.1Prosody in ASL
- 1.1.1Sign rate
- 1.1.2Rhythm
- 1.2Sociolinguistic factors
- 1.3The effect of social and educational policies on ASL varieties
- 2.Methods
- 2.1Participants
- 2.2Procedure
- 2.3Coding and transcription
- 2.3.1Phrasal position
- 2.3.2Sign duration
- 2.3.3Transition duration
- 2.3.4Reliability
- 3.Results
- 3.1Sign rate
- 3.2Rhythm
- 3.2.1Sign duration
- 3.2.2Transition duration
- 3.2.3Rhythm ratio
- 4.General discussion
- 4.1Implication of rhythm ratio within and across languages
- 4.2Sociolinguistic effects
- 5.Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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