This paper presents a semiotic study of the distribution of a type of size depiction in lexical signs in six sign
languages. Recently, a growing number of studies are focusing on the distribution of two representation techniques, i.e. the use
of entity handshapes and handling handshapes for the depiction of hand-held tools (e.g. Ortega
et al. 2014). Padden et al. (2013) find that there is cross-linguistic
variation in the use of this pair of representation techniques. This study looks at variation in a representation technique that
has not been systematically studied before, i.e. the delimitation of a stretch of space to depict the size of a referent, or
space-based distance for size depiction. It considers the question whether the cross-linguistic variation in
the use of this representation technique is governed by language-specific patterning as well (cf. Padden et al. 2013).
This study quantifies and compares the occurrence of space-based distance for size depiction in
the lexicons of six sign languages, three of Western European origin, and three of West African origin. It finds that sign
languages differ significantly from each other in their frequency of use of this depiction type. This result thus corroborates
that the selection and distribution of representation techniques does not solely depend on features of the depicted image, but
also on language-specific patterning in the distribution of representation techniques, and it adds another dimension of iconic
depiction in which sign languages may vary from each other (in addition to the entity/handling handshape distinction). Moreover,
the results appear to be areally defined, with the three European languages using this representation technique significantly more
often than the three African languages.
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