This chapter examines the continuum
stretching between Hebrew syntactically integrated
and unintegrated (‘insubordinate’)
produced following final/continuing intonation
contours in naturally-occurring interaction. Leaving
aside modal insubordinate
she-clauses, I show that in all of
these cases she- ties back to an
immediately prior stretch of interaction – verbal
and/or embodied – and projects an elaboration or
evaluation of it, without much concern about which
particular type of complex construction – relative,
complement, or adverbial (if any) – is being
created. The data suggest that rather than viewing
insubordinate clauses as imperfect realizations of
the canonical ‘subordinate’ variety resulting from
the disintegration of complex syntactic patterns,
canonical, syntactically integrated varieties of
Hebrew relative, complement, and adverbial clauses
may be regarded as grammaticizations from
syntactically less integrated varieties.
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Berman, Ruth A.
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2021. Conversation and Culture. Annual Review of Anthropology 50:1 ► pp. 219 ff.
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