Previous research suggests a link between perspective-taking and the tendency to become immersed in narratives or
literature. We extend that research by considering both individual differences and persuasion outcomes. Specifically, Mind-Reading
Motivation (MRM) is an individual difference in the willingness to effortfully engage with other people’s perspectives and mental
states. Stories may be most influential when readers put themselves in the place of another person, even a fictional other. In
Study 1, higher MRM was correlated with more fiction reading but not more nonfiction reading. Studies 2a and 2b demonstrated that
higher MRM was associated with greater transportation into a narrative. We replicated this effect in Study 3, showing that MRM was
associated with both higher transportation and narrative persuasion. The effect of MRM on persuasion is mediated by connections to
the characters. This research helps identify which individuals are most likely to be persuaded by narrative communications.
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