The new monstrous and its resonance with Frankenstein
A method to detail a social mind
The commonplace that monster stories disguise collective anxiety is evaluated within the frame of nine Artificial Intelligence-themed films produced from 1979 and 2018. I conducted a machine learning classification task with the
R open-source platform toward illustrating those films’ resonance with
Shelley’s 1818
Frankenstein. This study concludes by calling for substitution of text sets in order to answer pressing questions in the digital humanities. In doing so I assert the cognitive mapping potential revealed in computer-aided reading.
Article outline
- Archetype, motif, stereotype and meme
Frankenstein as a harvest of horrors made ever anew
- The monstrous and the noble AI at the cinema
- Procedures
- Measures
- Results
- Peirce and the provisionality of a claim and its measurement
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