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Literature & Literary Studies / Germanic literature & literary studies
Dating the Old Norse Poetic Edda : A multifactorial analysis of linguistic features
Christopher D. Sapp
Studies in Germanic Linguistics
, 5] 2022. xii, 246 pp.
Other subjects
Germanic linguistics
Historical linguistics
Theoretical linguistics
Exploring NORDIC COOL in Literary History
Edited by Gunilla Hermansson and Jens Lohfert Jørgensen
FILLM Studies in Languages and Literatures
, 15] 2020. xix, 342 pp.
Other subjects
Theoretical literature & literary studies
Nordic Literature: A comparative history. Volume I: Spatial nodes
Edited by Steven P. Sondrup, Mark B. Sandberg, Thomas A. DuBois and Dan Ringgaard
Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages
, XXXI] 2017. xvi, 747 pp.
Other subjects
Comparative literature & literary studies
Theoretical literature & literary studies
Grimm Language: Grammar, Gender and Genuineness in the Fairy Tales
Orrin W. Robinson
Linguistic Approaches to Literature
, 10] 2010. xi, 190 pp.
Other subjects
Germanic linguistics
Historical linguistics
Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Theoretical literature & literary studies
‘Kubla Khan’ – Poetic Structure, Hypnotic Quality and Cognitive Style: A study in mental, vocal and critical performance
Reuven Tsur †
Human Cognitive Processing
, 16] 2006. xii, 252 pp.
Other subjects
Cognition and language
English linguistics
A History of Literature in the Caribbean: Volume 2: English- and Dutch-speaking regions
Edited by A. James Arnold
Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages
, XV] 2001. x, 672 pp.
Other subjects
Comparative literature & literary studies
English literature & literary studies
Tales and Translation: The Grimm Tales from Pan-Germanic narratives to shared international fairytales
Cay Dollerup
Benjamins Translation Library
, 30] 1999. xiv, 384 pp.
Other subjects
Translation Studies
Courtly Literature: Culture and Context. Proceedings of the 5th triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, Dalfsen, The Netherlands, 9–16 Aug. 1986
Edited by Keith Busby and Erik Kooper
Utrecht Publications in General and Comparative Literature
, 25] 1990. xvi, 621 pp.
Other subjects
Medieval literature & literary studies
Romance literature & literary studies
An Hour in Elfland: Das Theatermotiv im Roman des amerikanischen Naturalismus
H.Joachim Gerke
Bochumer anglistische Studien
, 22] 1989. viii, 441 pp.
'The Deeper Levels of Life an the Sense of Time and Place': John Cheevers Romanwerk zwischen Romance and Novel of Manners
Annegret Wemhöner
Bochumer anglistische Studien
, 21] 1988. viii, 178 pp.
Other subjects
English literature & literary studies
Bless Thee! Thou Art Translated: Erich Fried als Übersetzer moderner englischsprachiger Lyrik
Angelika Heimann
Münchner Studien zur Neueren englischen Literatur
, 4] 1987. 253 pp.
Other subjects
Translation Studies
Film-Script: William Shakespeare: Eine Untersuchung der Filmbearbeitungen von Shakespeares Dramen am Beispiel ausgewählter Tragödien-Verfilmungen von 1945–1985
Hans-Joachim Prümm
Münchner Studien zur Neueren englischen Literatur
, 3] 1987. xvi, 439 pp.
John McGrath und die 7:84 Company Scotland: Politik, Popularität und Regionalismus im Theater der siebziger Jahre in Schottland
Andreas Jäger
Münchner Studien zur Neueren englischen Literatur
, 1] 1986. 262 pp.
Melodrama heute: Die Adaption melodramatischer Elemente und Strukturen im Werk von John Arden und Arden/D'Arcy
Michael Göring
Münchner Studien zur Neueren englischen Literatur
, 2] 1986. 439 pp.
Tranquil Ecstasy: Mark Twains pastorale Neigung und ihre literarische Gestaltung
Karl Otto Strohmidel
Bochumer anglistische Studien
, 20] 1986. xiv, 302 pp.
Other subjects
English literature & literary studies
Osiris N.: The Victim and the American Novel
Biyot Kesh Tripathy
Not in series - Grüner
, 109] 1985. xii, 282 pp.
Strukturen in Shakespeares 'King Henry VI'
Regina Dombrowa
Bochumer anglistische Studien
, 18] 1985. x, 320 pp. mit farbigen Schemata
Wahnsinn: Symptom und Befreiung. Funktion und narrative Vermittlung extremen Irrationalismus im Werk Doris Lessings
Barbara Dahlhaus-Beilner
Bochumer anglistische Studien
, 17] 1984. iv, 261 pp.
Erzählsituazionen und Figurenperspektiven im Detektivroman
Beatrix Finke
Bochumer anglistische Studien
, 15] 1983. xiv, 226 pp.
Gattungsprobleme des 'Domestic Drama' im literarhistorischen Kontext des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts
Doris Feldmann
Bochumer anglistische Studien
, 16] 1983. xii, 246 pp.
'That Paralysing apparition. Beauty': Untersuchungen zu Christopher Caudwells Ideologie- und Widerspiegelungstheorie (Mt einer kommentierten Bibliographie im Anhang)
Jürgen Schmidt
Bochumer anglistische Studien
, 14] 1982. xvi, 622 pp.
Carlyle and Jean Paul: Their Spiritual Optics
J.P. Vijn
Utrecht Publications in General and Comparative Literature
, 18] 1982. xii, 284 pp. + ills.
Other subjects
English literature & literary studies
The Narrative Works of Günter Grass: A Critical Interpretation
Noel Thomas
German Language and Literature Monographs
, 12] 1982. vi, 370 pp.
'By What you see them act': Probleme der Handlung in Shakespeares 'MacBeth', 'Othello' und 'King Lear'
Peter Hasenberg
Bochumer anglistische Studien
, 13] 1981. viii, 382 pp.
Bühnenanweisung und Dramaturgie: Hinweise zu Interpretation und Inszenierung in Shakespeares 'First Folio' und den Quartoversionen
Margarete Munkelt
Bochumer anglistische Studien
, 12] 1981. x, 346 pp.
Das Bild der Antike in der Deutschen Romantik
Helene M. Kastinger Riley
German Language and Literature Monographs
, 10] 1981. xiv, 288 pp.
Other subjects
Classical philosophy
The Multiple Perspective: Wilhelm Raabe's Third-Person Narratives of the Braunschweig period
Irene Stocksieker Di Maio
German Language and Literature Monographs
, 11] 1981. iv, 149 pp.
Reinmars Women: A Study of the Woman's Song ('Frauenlied' and 'Frauenstrophe') of Reinmar der Alte
William E. Jackson
German Language and Literature Monographs
, 9] 1981. xxiv, 374 pp.
Shakespeares 'Imagery': Versuch einer Definition
Maria Rauschenberger
Bochumer anglistische Studien
, 11] 1981. x, 731 pp.
Structure and Gestalt: Philosophy and literature in Austria-Hungary and her successor states
Edited by Barry Smith
Linguistic and Literary Studies in Eastern Europe
, 7] 1981. x, 349 pp.
Other subjects
Aldous Huxleys 'Brave New World'
Berthold Thiel
Bochumer anglistische Studien
, 10] 1980. ii, 346 pp.
The Critical Reception of Shakespeare's 'Anthony and Cleopatra': From 1607 to 1905
Michael Steppat
Bochumer anglistische Studien
, 9] 1980. xvi, 619 pp.
Other subjects
English literature & literary studies
Die Lear-Kritik im 20. Jahrhundert: Ein Beitrag zu einer Analyse der Entwicklung der Shakespeareliteratur
Peter Wenzel
Bochumer anglistische Studien
, 8] 1979. xii, 329 pp., xv Beilagen
Goethe's Search for the Muse: Translation and Creativity
David B. Richards
German Language and Literature Monographs
, 7] 1979. vi, 114 pp.
Other subjects
Translation Studies
Der von Kürenberg: Edition, Notes, and Commentary
Gayle Agler-Beck
German Language and Literature Monographs
, 4] 1978. xix, 230 pp.
The Rhetoric of Love: Das Menschenbild und die Form des Romans bei Iris Murdoch
Wolfram Völker
Bochumer anglistische Studien
, 6] 1978. vi, 168 pp.
Theodor Storm: Studies in Ambivalence. Symbol and Myth in his Narrative Fiction
David Artiss
German Language and Literature Monographs
, 5] 1978. xix, 215 pp.
Verständigungsprobleme in Shakespaeres Dramen
Hans-Jürgen Weckermann
Bochumer anglistische Studien
, 7] 1978. vi, 369 pp.
Defoes Gesellschaftskonzeption
Klaus Degering
Bochumer anglistische Studien
, 5] 1977. x, 512 pp.
Friedrich Nicolais Satiren: Ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts
Peter Mollenhauer
German Language and Literature Monographs
, 2] 1977. viii, 267 pp.
Komik in den Romanen George Eliots
Werner Schäfer
Bochumer anglistische Studien
, 19] 1977. vi, 240 pp.
Strickers Daniel von dem Blühenden Tal : Werkstruktur und Interpretation
Ingeborg Henderson
German Language and Literature Monographs
, 1] 1976. viii, 206 pp.
Other subjects
Medieval literature & literary studies
Erinnerung bei Dickens
Lothar Černý
Bochumer anglistische Studien
, 3] 1975. viii, 284 pp.
Satire und politischer Roman: Untersuchungen zum Romanwerk Benjamin Disraelis
Ulrich Christoph Janiesch
Bochumer anglistische Studien
, 1] 1975. vi, 300 pp.
Toward a Statistical Analysis of English verse: The Iambic Tetrameter of ten Poets
James Bailey
Not in series - Grüner
, 7] 1975. 83 pp.
Von der 'Store Front Church' zum 'American Dream': James Baldwin und der amerikanische Rassenkonflikt
Peter Bruck
Bochumer anglistische Studien
, 2] 1975. viii, 147 pp.
Other subjects
English literature & literary studies
Adolf Glassbrenner: His Development from 'Jungdeutscher' to 'Vormärzler'
Heinz Bulmahn
German Language and Literature Monographs
, 6] 1974. x, 159 pp.
Other subjects
Die Berliner Abendblätter Heinrich von Kleists, ihre Quellen und ihre Redaktion: Schriften der Kleist-Gesellschaft, Bd. 19 (Berlin, 1939)
Helmut Sembdner
Not in series
, 2] 1970. xviii, 402 pp., 7 Tabs.